Attached properties are useful as they allow a parent panel to extend the property set of a control contained within it.
The StackPanel control is a simple layout panel that supports positioning its contained controls in either a row or column layout.
当您需要本地化特定于窗体的字符串以及窗体所包含的控件时,VisualStudio 2005会提供某些额外的帮助。
Visual Studio 2005 provides some extra assistance when you need to localize strings specific to a form and the controls it contains.
In fact, without themes there would be no content because themes contain all the controls that are displayed on the site.
There is also a SQL editor control that contains intellisense capabilities to edit the check constraint expression.
这很容易实现,只需将一个屏幕的所有用户界面控件包含在一个单独的 元素中。
This is easily done by including all the user interface controls for a screen inside of a separate element.
When you finish, you’ll have a master page whose server controls are entirely contained in a hidden panel.
In addition to the user selection area, there is a section containing the control buttons and a preview pane.
The SQL editor control that contains intellisense capabilities is provided to edit the check constraint expression.
Note that controls that contain items rarely also contain controls and vice-versa.
The widgets package contains controls based on the operating system controls, while the custom package contains controls that extend beyond the operation system control set.
It's used to provide a specific UI to a service, an interface that can contain graphics, branding, or particular controls.
This ensures that every fresh checkout from source control contains all of the customizations needed for a successful build.
Click on the last row of the table which contains the input controls.
The text control can also have a "tool tip" that can provide information about its use (all controls support this feature).
You'll use an edit box for users to enter stock tickers, a button to invoke the Web service, and a repeat control containing edit boxes to display the response data.
A page that contains controls generated from data templates.
Processing includes a large variety of geometric shapes and controls for those shapes.
You can use view controls containing view queries to display multiple documents from the backend data store.
The toolkit contains controls that are at various stages of development. As they mature, some controls in the toolkit are moved into the runtime.
When loading an ASP.NET page that contains a data-bound control linked to a SqlDataSource, the SqlDataSource communicates directly with an underlying database.
At the end of the process, we have a set of ArrayLists (test cases), each of which contains valid values for the participating set of GUI controls (Download the code at the bottom of the article.).
The Business Logic Layer consists of the value providers that provide data to the Ajax-enabled controls (see Figure 5).
The common components, containers, menus and controls are included in the design palette and are organized using drawers that you can expand, collapse and pin open.
Field is an abstract class that defines methods to contain various UI controls, along with associated IDs to identify those controls globally.
This variable contains the ID of the control that has the focus and was registered using IFocusService.
This variable contains the ID of the control that has the focus and was registered using IFocusService.