The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'AAA' database.
Each of the folders can be further expanded to view an enumeration of the contained database objects.
If your database contains sensitive data, you might want to limit access to the catalog views, because the catalog describes every object in the database.
There are no public databases that contain millions of faces.
Databases have many of the same problems as spreadsheets with regard to storing system configuration management information, but usually there is only one database containing the information.
Models contain any and all code that relates to your database and other data structures.
除非另有声明,示例都使用DB 2中包含的SAMPLE数据库。
Unless otherwise indicated, they use the SAMPLE database included with DB2.
What about books whose titles or text contain characters outside the current database's character set?
This script is very simple, containing only the starting or stopping of the database.
The cluster directory database on a different cluster within the same domain contains quite different information.
Figure 5 shows the database containing the list of holidays.
Although it may seem logical, this has an important effect: If a database connection is closed for some reason, any database objects that it contains are also closed.
The example also illustrates that each server is hosting separate databases.
DB 2V9.5去掉了这个限制,并且允许用户用任意代码集创建包含xml列的数据库。
DB2 V9.5 removes this restriction and allows a user to create the database with an XML column in any code set.
Working with DB2 XML data requires establishing a connection to the database that contains your data.
该文件(cl_doc_2 . nsf)包含一个简单的数据库,其中包含用于每个组件的文档。
This file (cl_doc_2.nsf) contains a simple database containing the documentation for each component.
Create a connection to point to the database that contains the repository by following these steps.
The pureXML feed can be created for use with a DB2 database that contains XML data.
本演示中包含的Derby数据库类是 10.2alpha版,不应将其用于生产环境。
The Derby database classes contained in this demo are an alpha version of 10.2 and should not be used in a production environment.
名为acme . nsf的数据库包含拥有客户数据的文档。
A database named acme.nsf contains documents with customer data.
Edit the file to include the correct database, host, database type, user and password.
Figure 1 contains a snapshot of the database structure, along with a few records.
Starting at the top of the hierarchy, you would choose a specific node that represents a container object such as a region or a branch that contains a subset of all your database data.
This simple database manages the inventory of the surf shop, focusing primarily on a database table that contains the surf shop products.
The extract request contains the metadata about the selected source database tables.
If a user is not permitted to access a database that contains a component, allowing the user to access a page with that component does not give him or her access to that database.
The script converts the start and end dates into the required date format, and then establishes a connection with the database containing the holiday list.
If all the data access paths in the application are executed, then the captured information contains the complete list of SQL statements that are issued to the database.