Often, you'd see the listener defined as an inline anonymous class.
Anonymous classes are like a bucketful of cold water that's spilled in your lap every time you want to use them.
To pass this to a recursive method, the anonymous class should extend a wrapper type known to the method.
An instance of this class has to be created for each time the parent method is called.
To implement this listener class, we'll code an anonymous class in the main Explorer Window.
All of the extra effort in wasted syntax discourages their use.
However, the names are not necessarily predictable and should be considered an implementation detail.
GetHashCode for an anonymous type is based on the key properties of the type.
The code in Listing 1 would be much neater if the anonymous class was placed separately as an inner class.
Note: Technically speaking, anonymous classes have names that are generated by the compiler.
Two anonymously typed objects that have the same property names and types will be assigned to the same automatically generated class.
As an example, the code in Listing 1 USES an anonymous class to create a Thread Factory.
最接近的方式是利用类(经常是匿名类)作为想要执行的方法的 “holder”。
The closest you can come is to use a class (frequently an anonymous class) as a "holder" of a method you need to execute.
This allows the use of set operations to build up complex classes from anonymous classes or classes with value restrictions.
The CLR itself doesn't have any notion of anonymous types and sees them as normal classes with automatically generated names.
What's useful about this class is that you can use anonymous classes to override only the methods you want; the rest of the methods are implemented by default.
Anonymous classes let you create objects that capture part of the environment in which they were defined, but objects and blocks of code are not the same thing.
Anonymous types allow you to define a class, then declare and initialize an object of that class, without giving the class a name.
为了实现递归,可以通过将proceed(. .)调用封装在匿名类中来隐藏连接点的其他部分。
To do this recursively, you close over the rest of the join point by encapsulating the proceed (..) call in an anonymous class.
Loosely speaking, since our anonymous class doesn't define click itself, the method lookup proceeds right to left, as declared.
If you add a method, all JRuby has to do is generate a new anonymous class that includes the body of that method.
Use a custom SecurityManager or ClassLoader that prevents loading of anonymous classes or other classes not under your direct control.
Since the "locals" used by an asynchronous functions are actually fields on an anonymous class, they must be retained for the duration of the call.
As each anonymous class has a unique name there are no issues loading it and as a result the application is updated on-the-fly.
Locals variables needed by those functions are said to "closed over" or "lifted" into the anonymous class.
An anonymous class is a kind of syntactic shorthand that lets you instantiate a class implementing an abstract class or interface where you need it, without having to explicitly give it a class name.
The indirection, which is based on "advanced compilation techniques (like abstract bytecode)" results in one master class and several anonymous, JIT enabled support classes.
If this takes several seconds, which is not uncommon for an asynchronous call, the anonymous class may be inadvertently promoted to the more expensive generation 1 or 2.
The convert anonymous class to nested refactoring takes an anonymous class and converts it to a nested class of the method that originally contained the anonymous class.
The form auto-saving feature presented in this series works with authenticated and anonymous users.