Secondary school in the us usually covers seven years, grades six to twelve.
The standards are in two subject areas, English-language arts and mathematics. They establish goals for each year from kindergarten through grade twelve.
Schooling is only available from nursery school through 10th grade, with plans to extend teaching for the remaining two years by 2012.
该网站的资料面向幼儿园至十二年级(的教学), 涵盖的科目有数学,科学,技术,阅读,语言艺术及各类语言。
The materials are for kindergarten through grade twelve. The subject areas are mathematics, science, technology, reading, language arts and languages.
Students of high school education teach students in the secondary grades. which may include grades seven through twelve. depending on the school system or state regulations.
A few required them to pass tests in the eleventh or twelfth grade to get a diploma, but to me, that was like closing the barn door after the cow is out.
A few required them to pass tests in the eleventh or twelfth grade to get a diploma, but to me, that was like closing the barn door after the cow is out.