ObjectiveTo determine the content of Semen Euporbiae in the market and provide the basis for quality standard of Semen Euporbiae.
Objective: To establish the suitable quality standards of Semen Euphorbiae and Semen Euphorbiae Pulveratum, carrying out the studies on standardized processing condition of Semen Euphorbiae.
There were cucumber and watercress sandwiches, and a peach-coloured cake from Payard. Quintana wore stephanotis in her hair.
Ms Didion returns to these details in later chapters—the stephanotis, the cake—using this repetition to illustrate the way she is haunted by memories.
琼•迪丹在之后的章节- - -千金子藤,蛋糕- - -里回味着这些细节,用这些反复的回味阐述了她是如何被回忆萦绕的。
Ms Didion returns to these details in later chapters-the stephanotis, the cake-using this repetition to illustrate the way she is haunted by memories.
结果表明 ,千金子在直播田只有一个发生高峰期 ,单季晚稻直播田和连作晚稻直播田发生高峰期在播后1周 ,早稻直播田发生高峰期在播后2周。
It showed that Chinese sprangletop germinates to have an emergence peak at 1 week after rice seeded in one season late rice and two season late rice or 2 weeks in early rice.
结果表明 ,千金子在直播田只有一个发生高峰期 ,单季晚稻直播田和连作晚稻直播田发生高峰期在播后1周 ,早稻直播田发生高峰期在播后2周。
It showed that Chinese sprangletop germinates to have an emergence peak at 1 week after rice seeded in one season late rice and two season late rice or 2 weeks in early rice.