• 单调优化目标函数约束函数均为单调函数的全局优化问题。

    The monotone optimization is to maximize a monotone objective function constrained by monotone functions.


  • 单调优化目标函数约束函数均为单调函数的全局最优化问题。

    The monotone optimization is to maximize or minimize a monotone objective function constrained by monotone functions.


  • 本文进一步证明“二维序贯均匀等距设计单调函数类的有效性。

    In this paper, the validity of sequential uniform design for monotone function by rate jump was point out.


  • 本文引入讨论了函数单调性,说明函数的点单调单调函数的拓广。

    In this article, point monotony of function is introduced and studied. And point monotony of function is proved to be the generalization of monotonic function.


  • 文章给出了单调函数有界变差函数绝对连续函数定义讨论了三者之间的关系

    The paper gives the definitions of monotonic function, bounded variation function and absolute continuous function, and discusses the relationship of the three.


  • 最后我们利用单调函数构造一般结合算子从而导出很多常用的算子作为特例

    Lastly we construct more general aggregation operators by means of some monotonous functions, from which some frequently used operators are obtained as special cases.


  • 最后我们利用单调函数构造一般的结合算子从而导出很多常用的算子作为特例。

    Lastly we construct more general aggregation operators by means of some monotonous functions, from which so...


  • 圆弧坐标系中的每个象限轨迹不是单调函数因此不能各个象限进行插补

    The diagonal ellipse arc in each quadrant of primary reference frame is not a monotonic function, so it is impossible to implement interpolation according to each quadrant.


  • 但是可以重新划分各个部分圆弧轨迹各个部分中单调函数,从而完成插补

    However, interpolation can be implemented by re-dividing each quadrant to make the diagonal ellipse arc locus in each part monotonic function.


  • 单调函数函数不能显性表示时,连续随机变量分布密度曲线通过参数方程的形式获得

    When a inverse function of monotone function can not show the explicit formula, the distribution density curve of continuous randon variable can be gained with a parametric equation.


  • 文章利用其中居中性严格单调函数存在函数性质,探讨几种正数平均导出

    In this paper, of which the middle between the points and there exists strictly monotonic function of the inverse function of the nature of some average of two different positive export.


  • 广义随机共振系统输出信号(信噪比、输出平均幅度等)噪声、系统信号某个参数的非单调函数

    Stochastic resonance in a broad sense means the output signal of the system is a non-monotonic function of some parameter of the noise, of the system or parameter of the input signal.


  • 然后根据基本单位区间单调函数性质拓展连续区间有序加权平均算子形成梯形连续区间有序加权平均算子;

    On the other hand, according to the characteristics of the Basic Unitinterval Monotonic (BUM) function, the C-OWA operator was extended to the TC-OWA operator.


  • 研究表明,上(下)边频分量输出幅度增益噪声强度相关时间以及上(或下)边频分量频率单调函数

    It is shown that the OAG of the USC (or the LSC) is a non-monotonic function of the strength and correlation time of the noise as well as the frequency of the USC (or the LSC).


  • 本文中,重点讨论其中的比较单调数学函数log10cosh

    In this article, I focus on the more purely mathematical functions provided, such as log10 and cosh.


  • 使用知道检索到一些事件日期设置这个函数一个用时,您将得到如清单4结果

    When you set up a simple call to this function with a date that you know will retrieve some events, you get the results shown in Listing 4.


  • 最终,如果最初开发者了解的话,清单1示例所有功能应该可以通过利用getelementsbytagname函数实现

    Finally, all of the functionality of the example in Listing 1 could have been implemented with a simple call to the getElementsByTagName function, had the original developer known about it.


  • 使用JaxerAPI执行sql函数

    It USES simple calls to the Jaxer API to perform the SQL function.


  • 这里三次样条函数参数几何意义沿曲线路径单调增长的距离

    The geometric meaning of the parameter is the mono increasing distance along the curve path.


  • 本文研究一类具偏李·普希连续单调增加激活函数神经网络绝对指数稳定性问题。

    This paper investigates the absolute exponential stability of generalized neural networks with a general class of partially Lipschitz continuous and monotone increasing activation functions.


  • 线性函数单调的。

    A linear function is monotonic.


  • 给出了幂平均不等式及其推广、加权平均不等式等的构成函数,并讨论了它们的单调性。

    This paper discusses the generating functions of monotony for the Power-Mean Inequality, Binary dimension power mean inequality and Binary integral power mean inequality.


  • 给出了函数形式单调定理几种推广形式。

    Some generalizing forms for monotone class theorems of functional forms are given.


  • 模型具有数值可加型标准综合函数所具有性质,即单调性、有界等性。

    This model occupies some properties of additive standard synthesis function, namely, monotonic, limited and idempotent.


  • 提出一个新的下降方向,在函数单调条件证明算法全局收敛性。

    In this paper, we propose a new descent direction. Under the pseudomonotone of the underlying function, we prove the global convergence of the algorithm.


  • 研究结果表明效应单调递增函数关系,作为绉效应的数量评定指标

    The studies performed show it is a monotone increasing function of crepe effect and its value can be used as a quantitative index for crepe effect evaluation.


  • 根据普朗克定律推导出仪器输出电压扩展辐射亮度单调函数常数乘积

    Based on the Planck principle, it is deduced that the BIIR output voltage is the product of a constant and a monotonic increasing function of radiation luminance from the extended sources.


  • 结论表明捕食优交易策略时间二次曲线形式并且捕食交易利润瞬时冲击系数单调函数

    The conclusion shows that the optimal strategy of predator is the quadratic equation of time and the profit is the descending function of temporary impact coefficient.


  • 给出了一类约束函数单调目标函数单调非线性规划问题新的求解方法

    A new method is applied to a kind of nonlinear programming problem with monotonic functions and non-monotonic objective functions.


  • 给出了一类约束函数单调目标函数单调非线性规划问题新的求解方法

    A new method is applied to a kind of nonlinear programming problem with monotonic functions and non-monotonic objective functions.


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