Draws a radio button control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.
XDIME also supports controls like menu lists, checkboxes, and radio buttons.
In this article, you learned how to create a custom tag for table data display with different HTML controls, including href, checkbox, radio button, text field, and combo box.
Here, I'll explain how to create a custom tag for table display that is flexible enough to handle different HTML controls, such as href, checkbox, radio button, text field, and combo box.
When the "Inputting data" radio button is selected, Check Box will be at the top of the control types list.
This includes all standard controls (buttons, text-fields, combo boxes, radios) and special controls (type-ahead fields, tree-view controls, contextual pop-up menus).
Description is now in a editable text field, steward name is in a menu select control, and there are buttons labeled Ok and Cancel.
Like radio buttons, list controls are powerful tools for simplifying interaction because they eliminate the possibility of making an invalid selection.
A control ID for that radio button then appears in the add member variable Wizard, allowing you to add a member variable for the group of radio buttons.
A control ID for that radio button then appears in the add member variable Wizard, allowing you to add a member variable for the group of radio buttons.