• 党的十六报告明确提出建立地方国资管理体制原则方向

    The report of the 16th National Congress of the CPC clearly points out the principles and directions on establishing the local SOAM system.


  • 马斯洛虽然细节上有待进一步完善,但原则方向无疑可信的。

    Although the details of Maslow's needs theory needs to be further improved, its major principle and direction are undoubtedly credible.


  • 心理学理念原则应用软件过程中也许帮助我们行业取得进步可能只是一点点,但确实是向正确的方向

    Applying psychological concepts and principles to the software process might be another way to help our industry move the needle, ever so slightly perhaps, in the right direction.


  • 为了确保这些确实引向去的方向不是原地打转,这需要坚持相当严格原则

    To make sure that the stepping stones are actually taking you in the direction you need, and not just moving in circles, calls for adherence to some pretty firm principles.


  • 行业组织国际排放交易协会在一年前欧盟要求遵循“了解客户原则,便是朝这个方向迈出的一步。

    The International Emissions Trading Association, an industry body, called forknow your customersrules, a step in this direction, in a letter to the EU that was sent a year ago.


  • 体系结构原则全面基础性规律原理假设,它开发解决方案指明方向

    An architecture principle is a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption that provides overarching guidance for development of a solution.


  • 可以始终遵循一些重要原则帮助确保您把握住正确方向使设计支持您的功能

    There are some key principles that you can employ, again and again, to help keep you on task, and keep your designs supportive of your functions.


  • 建议原则作为设计方向完全目标

    I would recommend that you treat the Open Closed Principle as a design vector rather than an outright goal.


  • 我们安全感不是建立我们拥有多少财富有多高的地位别人攀比等等之上的,而是我们遵循内在方向感和诚信原则的自然流露。

    Our security is not based on our possessions, positions, credentials, or on comparisons with others; rather, it flows from our own integrity to “true north” principles.


  • 书里原则如果现在理解水平相契,便主要用来引导下一步方向

    I mainly use books as a guide for what to try next, assuming the principles seem sound and mesh with my current level of understanding.


  • 如果现在生活方式这些原则相符可能一张价值取向的地图,却拿着一个原则方向盘。

    If your current lifestyle is not in alignment with these principles, then you might trade a value-based map for a principle-centered compass.


  • 虽然我们犯过错误,也修改过行动方向,但我们一直坚持这些原则。这些原则我们力量源泉,是一座普照全世界灯塔

    And though we have made our share of mistakes and course corrections, we have held fast to the principles that have been the source of our strength, and a beacon to the world.


  • 原则驱使下直到最近科学家们的寻找方向都集中在那些我们的家园拥有相同条件地方——表面温暖,富集有大量液态水的石质行星。

    Until recently, that rule led scientists to think only in terms of places just like home: temperate, rocky planets with bodies of liquid water on their surfaces.


  • 四大方向体现了初级卫生保健核心原则

    These four represent core primary health care principles.


  • 其中一个比较突出的方向原则就是固定职级薪级向限定幅度浮动薪级转变

    One of the outstanding directions and principles is transformation from the fixed post-rank pay scales to floating pay ranges.


  • 詹姆士提出实用主义方法一种确定方向态度不是看最先原则范畴而是最后效果事实

    James points out that the approach of pragmatism is an attitude of fixing direction, which does not stress the original principle and category, but it stresses the final effect and fact.


  • 本文主要研究方向道路交通事故原则责任主体

    The major research direction of this article is principle of liability attribution and liable subject of road traffic accident.


  • 另外方向要严格遵守十字交叉原则

    In addition, playing strictly in accordance with the direction of something called Cross principles.


  • 总的方向原则了,具体章法还要试验中一步步立起来。

    The general orientation and principles are already established, but we still have to work out specific rules and regulations by trial and error.


  • 对此原因进行分析,提出可以空间导向系统设计方向诱导标示系统设计进行分析和研究提出相应的设计原则

    It is put forward that this problem can be analyzed and studied from space induction system and direction induction sign system, and corresponding design principles are proposed.


  • 本文探讨入世新背景我国有关高新技术产业政策存在问题及其调整方向原则内容

    In this paper, the direction, principle and content of adjustment and existing problem about China high-new technology industry policy were discussed under the background of entering the society.


  • 第五部分总结了建构网络探究性学习环境一些原则提出今后研究方向

    The fifth part summarizes some of the principles for constructing the network inquiry learning environment and puts forward the research direction for the future.


  • 卓越的公司都实践这样原则合适上车,不合适的人下去然后指引正确方向

    Great companies practice a principle of getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off, and then pointing the bus in the right direction.


  • 结合工作实际培训现状远程培训课件开发方向方法原则进行了论述。

    Combined with practical work and present training situation, the direction, methods and principles of remote training courseware development are discussed.


  • 每个才智所作努力趋向同一个方向,每个有强烈意愿的人都被系在同一个原则上即:行善,朝气,真诚

    The efforts of every intelligent man tend in the same direction, and every strong will is harnessed to the same principle: Be good, be young, be true!


  • 我们这个方向按照循序渐进原则,议定二○一二年项重要选举的选举办法

    Along this direction and under the principle of making gradual and orderly progress, we need to agree on the two electoral methods for the major elections in 2012.


  • 事实上问题解决必须把握正确方向应该以劳动者利益优先保护原则作为出发点,同时兼顾用人单位利益。

    At fact, the issue must grasp correct drive, i. e. taking laborers' interests as a first protection principle and give attention to the interests of the employing units.


  • 生活建立怎样原则之上如果知道,就比较麻烦,因为你的生活毫无方向而言。

    What are the principles upon which your life is built if you don't know, you will have trouble, because your life will feel directionless.


  • 生活建立怎样原则之上如果知道,就比较麻烦,因为你的生活毫无方向而言。

    What are the principles upon which your life is built if you don't know, you will have trouble, because your life will feel directionless.


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