The report of the 16th National Congress of the CPC clearly points out the principles and directions on establishing the local SOAM system.
Although the details of Maslow's needs theory needs to be further improved, its major principle and direction are undoubtedly credible.
Applying psychological concepts and principles to the software process might be another way to help our industry move the needle, ever so slightly perhaps, in the right direction.
To make sure that the stepping stones are actually taking you in the direction you need, and not just moving in circles, calls for adherence to some pretty firm principles.
The International Emissions Trading Association, an industry body, called for “know your customers” rules, a step in this direction, in a letter to the EU that was sent a year ago.
An architecture principle is a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption that provides overarching guidance for development of a solution.
There are some key principles that you can employ, again and again, to help keep you on task, and keep your designs supportive of your functions.
I would recommend that you treat the Open Closed Principle as a design vector rather than an outright goal.
Our security is not based on our possessions, positions, credentials, or on comparisons with others; rather, it flows from our own integrity to “true north” principles.
I mainly use books as a guide for what to try next, assuming the principles seem sound and mesh with my current level of understanding.
If your current lifestyle is not in alignment with these principles, then you might trade a value-based map for a principle-centered compass.
And though we have made our share of mistakes and course corrections, we have held fast to the principles that have been the source of our strength, and a beacon to the world.
Until recently, that rule led scientists to think only in terms of places just like home: temperate, rocky planets with bodies of liquid water on their surfaces.
One of the outstanding directions and principles is transformation from the fixed post-rank pay scales to floating pay ranges.
James points out that the approach of pragmatism is an attitude of fixing direction, which does not stress the original principle and category, but it stresses the final effect and fact.
The major research direction of this article is principle of liability attribution and liable subject of road traffic accident.
In addition, playing strictly in accordance with the direction of something called Cross principles.
The general orientation and principles are already established, but we still have to work out specific rules and regulations by trial and error.
It is put forward that this problem can be analyzed and studied from space induction system and direction induction sign system, and corresponding design principles are proposed.
In this paper, the direction, principle and content of adjustment and existing problem about China high-new technology industry policy were discussed under the background of entering the society.
The fifth part summarizes some of the principles for constructing the network inquiry learning environment and puts forward the research direction for the future.
Great companies practice a principle of getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off, and then pointing the bus in the right direction.
Combined with practical work and present training situation, the direction, methods and principles of remote training courseware development are discussed.
The efforts of every intelligent man tend in the same direction, and every strong will is harnessed to the same principle: Be good, be young, be true!
Along this direction and under the principle of making gradual and orderly progress, we need to agree on the two electoral methods for the major elections in 2012.
At fact, the issue must grasp correct drive, i. e. taking laborers' interests as a first protection principle and give attention to the interests of the employing units.
What are the principles upon which your life is built if you don't know, you will have trouble, because your life will feel directionless.
What are the principles upon which your life is built if you don't know, you will have trouble, because your life will feel directionless.