The working model was cut away to show the inside of the building.
We should consider removing older data as part of the load process for incoming data.
However, a few of these bold beauty addicts admitted they just applied easily-removed eyeshadow to get the look.
计算能量函数值时,去掉传统 能量函数内部能量中的弹性能量项,并增加面积能量项作为膨胀能量的一部分。
The energy function does not include the elastic energy, but include an area energy added as a part of the 'inflation' energy.
计算能量函数值时,去掉传统 能量函数内部能量中的弹性能量项,并增加面积能量项作为膨胀能量的一部分。
The energy function does not include the elastic energy, but include an area energy added as a part of the 'inflation' energy.