So would Norway, which has refused to participate unless NATO is in charge.
With the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Jedi saw themselves pressed into the forefront of military activity, serving as Generals in the campaign against the Separatists.
Germany decided not to take part in the military operation against Gadhafi loyalists, which includes a no-fly zone designed to protect Libyan civilians.
It will consider the period from summer 2001, before military operations began in March 2003, and our subsequent involvement in Iraq right until the end of July this year, " he said.
It will consider the period from summer 2001, before military operations began in March 2003, and our subsequent involvement in Iraq right until the end of July this year," he said.
For the past week, some 500 British and Danish troops have been engaged in one of the biggest operations in southern Afghanistan, supported by American gunships and Canadian helicopters.
The action seemed to have divided Europeans, with Germany saying it would not participate while Norway was reported as saying it would.
The militants say that France is also militarily engaged in Somalia.
There are about 1800 Chadian troops participating in the French led military intervention that started last month in Mali.
The precise details of the rules of engagement have not been revealed, however.
Few Arab states have joined the military campaign that began last weekend, with Qatar the only nation contributing fighter jets.
More recently, Norway's participation in Afghanistan led Ayman al-Zawahri to list the country as a possible target for attack.
More recently, Norway's participation in Afghanistan led Ayman al-Zawahri to list the country as a possible target for attack.