• 主要观测芦苇生长动态出苗率面积质量杂草数量灌水量参数指标

    It main observation reed growth dynamics, seedling rate, leaf area, dry matter quantity, the number of weeds and irrigation, and other parameters and indicators.


  • 目的观察血液流变学主要指标卡松方程参数常见老年病诊断治疗中的临床应用价值

    Objective To study the clinical significance of Hemorheology examination parameters and Casson equation index in diagnosis and therapy of common geriatric disease.


  • 患者甲状腺动脉测量频谱参数验血指标

    Spectral parameters of common carotid artery and indexes of blood test at thyroid.


  • 电力市场转运出现后输电能力作为技术指标市场信号越来越重要参数

    With the development of power market and wheeling, the transmission capability as a technique index and market signal becomes a more and more important parameter.


  • 目的通过测试国产进口X线部分成像性能参数国产和进口X线机性能指标成像质量进行比较分析

    Objective To compare and analyze the performance indexes and the imaging quality of the home and imported X-ray machines through testing their partial imaging performance parameters.


  • 内部孔隙压力压力参数不适合作为崩岸监测预测指标

    The parameter of the pore water pressure and soil pressure are unfitted as the monitoring and forecasting index for bank collapse.


  • 提出了该工艺流程中构筑物主要设计参数技术经济指标

    The main design parameters and economic and technical indices for various structures were put forward.


  • 确定生产工艺中各参数指标最佳营养培养基

    The production technology such as the various parameter indexes and the best nutrient culture medium was determined.


  • 加工工艺流程、操作要点营养成分技术指标、加工试验主要技术参数问题进行了分析讨论。

    The study discussed and analysed many questions about the process, the keys, the nutrient ingredient, the technic guideline, the trial and the main technic parameter etc.


  • 萃取生产中被污染降解有机进行回收,并用粘土活化恢复萃取动力学参数指标分离性质。

    The polluted organic extractant and the degradation organic phase are recovered and activated by clay, so the extracting dynamic parameters and phase separation property are recovered.


  • 通过搜寻得到MTMD参数有效性指标

    Through implementing the optimum searching, the optimal parameters and indices reflecting the effectiveness of MTMD can be obtained.


  • 介绍湿涤纶纤维性能纺纱工艺流程工序的工艺参数选择技术措施、质量指标今后的开发方向

    Performance, spinning technology circulation, parameters choice of each process, technology measures and development direction of conduct wet polyester fibers were introduced.


  • 本文介绍了粉末优点研究概况讨论了制造粉末猪脂适宜的工艺过程、工艺参数感观性状理化指标等。

    The advantage and general situation of powdered pig fat was introduced. The technical process and parameters, sensory character, physicochemical index were discussed for preparing powdered pig fat.


  • 目的探讨影响肝肾综合征(HRS)预后参数最佳预后指标

    Objective to investigate the predictive factors and the best prognostic parameter of hepatorenal syndrome (HRS).


  • 实际应用结果表明优化参数制作压电陶瓷微位移器,伸长量、轴向刚度响范围等性能指标可提高20~30%。

    Practical application results show that the actuator which is made up by optimum parameter is improved by about 20%—30% in its deforming length, axial stiffness and bandwidth.


  • 目的探讨心肌声学造影时间-强度曲线TIC)各项参数定量评价冠脉血流储备CFR可靠性反映CFR可靠指标

    Objective:To study on reliability and reliable indexes of quantitative assessment of coronary flow reserve(CFR)by time intensity curve(TIC)with myocardial contrast echocardiography.


  • 文中详细地介绍轧线的平面布置、工艺流程主要设备构成参数经济指标国产化程度自动化水平

    The article introduces the plant layout, technology process, main equipment and their parameters, economic index, the degree domestic and the level of auto control in detail.


  • 目的探讨腔声学造影时间-强度曲线(TIC)参数定量评价收缩功能可靠性寻找反映右心收缩功能可靠指标

    Objective: to study on reliability and reliable indexes of quantitative assessment of right ventricular systolic function by time-intensity curve (TIC) with right ventricular contrast.


  • 摘要目的确定结直肠癌患者有效预后参数最佳预后指标

    Abstract Objective To determine the effective prognostic parameter and the best prognostic index.


  • 方法269胆肿瘤患者行ercp诊疗术,术中应用全麻技术患者的护理过程各项参数指标进行总结分析

    Methods Nursing process and the parameter index carries out analysis on the 269 case of patients were executed painless diagnosis and treatment of ERCP.


  • 采用不同燃料工艺,其球、燃料分布烧结过程参数等均会不同,最终获得的技术经济指标也有所差异。

    Adoption of different fuel addition process results in different mixed material balling, fuel distribution, firing process parameters and technical and economical indexes.


  • 具体介绍工业酸度计硬件软件组成参数检测处理电路设计系统接口设计,给出主要技术性指标

    The hardware and software composition, the design of parameter detection and processing circuits and system interface are introduced concretely. The main specifications are given.


  • 初步探讨阳离子改性碱法改性碱法阳离子联合改性工艺参数苎麻纤维染率、强度颜色指标影响

    The cationic modification, alkali modification, the combination of them and their effects on dye-uptake, color strength and color indices of ramie are discussed in this paper.


  • 介绍城市煤气输配系统置换方式选择置换参数确定、置换工艺流程指标控制说明直接置换方式的可靠性

    The article introduces choices of direct purge on gas transmission system displacement method, determination of purge criteria, its technological process and control, then its reliability.


  • 结果表明高压喷油器不同结构参数动态特性循环等性能指标很大的影响

    The results show that the different structural parameters of the high-pressure common-rail injector have strong effects on the dynamic characteristic, injection rate and cycle fuel injection quantity.


  • 方法比较44绕颈剖腹产胎儿61例脐绕颈自然分娩胎儿动脉大脑中动脉血流多参数,以RIVP分析指标

    Method To compared with UA and MCA's Doppler parameter in the 44 cases umbilical cord around neck by caesarean section fetus and 61 cases by parturition fetus, take ri and VP as analysis target.


  • 方法以大黄总蒽醌提取率洗脱考察指标,考察大黄提取条件大孔吸附树脂富集、纯化大黄总蒽醌的吸附性能洗脱参数

    Methods:The extracting conditions and adsorptive characteristics and elutive parameters of the process were studied by taking the extraction efficiency and purified ratio of Rheum as mark.


  • 工程区沉积物平面柱状分布物理力学指标、沉、淤积切力冲刷切力固结过程流变参数的实验测定。

    The plane and vertical distributions of sediment and its dynamical quota, sedimentary shearing velocity, sedimentary shearing force, erosive shearing force, solidification, rheological property, etc.


  • 本文税收等多指标模型为例,指标经济模型中的交互影响问题,介绍了模型识别阶段参数估计等处理方法应用。

    Taking a tax model, this paper introduces model identification and parameter estimation of 2sls against alternate interdependence in multi-index econometric model.


  • 本文税收等多指标模型为例,指标经济模型中的交互影响问题,介绍了模型识别阶段参数估计等处理方法应用。

    Taking a tax model, this paper introduces model identification and parameter estimation of 2sls against alternate interdependence in multi-index econometric model.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定