• 上图可以看出对齐物体需要许多工作可能需要多个参考物体来使摄像机完美吻合

    As you can see above it can take a lot of work to line the objects up correctly, and you may require a few reference objects to ensure the camera is perfectly matched.


  • 本文叙述一种新的无需参考物体平面自动三维度量学测量系统原理以及应用这种系统人体头面部进行测量

    A new automated 3-d profile measurement system without any reference object or plane is presented. The principle and its application to human face measurements are also described.


  • 接近程度对应目标物体(2)参考物体(6、8)之间距离(相对位置),其中参考物体基本位于焦平面上

    Said proximity corresponds to a distance (relative position) between the target object (2) and the reference object (6, 8) wherein the reference object is located substantially at the focal plane.


  • 若是角色没有眼睛例如LUXO参考动画,从100frame.com本地服务器下载)一样没生命的物体头部重要

    If the character has no eyes, such as an inanimate object like a Luxo lamp, it is even more important to lead with the head.


  • 此前的研究发现,仅1至10微生导致病毒出血热,10至100个微生物即可导致病毒性脑炎作为一个参考

    But as a guide, previous research has found that it takes just one to 10 organisms to cause viral hemorrhagic fevers, and 10 to 100 organisms to cause viral encephalitis.


  • 提高噪声环境下椭圆物体形状检测算法稳定性准确性,本文提出非线性数据拟合模型结合交叉参考迭代思路

    To solve the problem of ellipse - object - shape parameters detection in noise image, a new detection algorithm using nonlinear data fitting model and cross-reference iterative method is proposed.


  • 改进颜色模型提出了人物上半身形状模型指导自动分割这些其他特定物体自动化分割提供了个有价值的参考

    We developed the GMM color model and proposed an upper body shape model to guide the automatic segmentation, which can be extend to other special objects of interest.


  • 仪器所采用原理电路柔软物体的非接触测量参考意义。

    The principle and currents of the instrument is reference valuable for measurement of other soft objects.


  • 这种方法利用参考基点笛卡尔坐标参考矢量的笛卡尔分量描述物体位置姿态

    This kind of method describes the position and attitude of objects by utilizing Cartesian coordinates of reference base points and Cartesian components of reference base vector.


  • 参考测量采取这些反射物体淹没了

    Reference measurements were taken while these reflective objects were covered.


  • 我们知道不能绝对坐标描述物体位置,要描述物体位置,必须物体放置于特定参考中。

    When we specify the position of an object, we cannot do so in absolute terms; we must always do so within the context of a specific reference frame.


  • 程序实现了对三物体自由旋转功能希望初学者起一定参考作用

    Program of three-dimensional objects free rotation , and I hope to beginners certain references.


  • 介绍了实时全息检测透明种新方法,它采用物光再现参考参考光通过全息图直透光所形成干涉图纹检测透明物体的变化。

    A real time holographic testing method of transparent objects by using the interference pattern formed by the reconstruction of the reference wave and the original reference wave is introduced.


  • 参考借鉴前人研究成果概括了身体语言、物体语言、环境语言和副语言四大种类,较为全面地涵盖了言语行为的各个方面。

    Based on the previous research and my own generalization, nonverbal communication behaviors are classified into four: body language, object language, environment language and paralanguage.


  • 进入3Dmax可以在如一作为背景其为参考创建物体

    Then when you come to MAX you can load a frame of this into your background and create the object using it's exact measurements.


  • 存在强相互作用的三元氧化等温截面多温截面实验数据基础,同时参考计算

    For this kind system, the isothermal section and vertical section should be founded through the experiment result and referencing the calculated phase diagram at the same time.


  • 这种方法根据探测器工作原理,以被测物体与环境温度的值作为参考根据差值大小确定补偿量的多少。

    This new way bases on the principle of pyroelectric detector and defines the quantity of compensation according to the temperature difference between target and its surrounding.


  • 七根光纤物体表面发射光分成两部分:中心光纤信号光和周围光纤的参考光。

    The signal fiber is the center one of the fiber bundle, the others are the reference fibers encircling the signal fiber.


  • 综述了近年哺乳动细胞克隆技术研究进展相关研究提供必要参考

    In this article, the research progress on mammal somatic cell cloning related theories was reviewed, thus can be able to offer some refers for this technology research.


  • 从而可以了解泄洪建筑物体适用条件,对今后研究此类问题工程设计具有参考价值。

    Thus, conditions suitable for the configuration of the discharge structure might be known. It may be a reference for studying this kind of problems and design of projects in the future.


  • 球面参考全息透镜对于微观物体成像分辨率特性要优于平面参考光体全息透镜,适用微观成像系统

    Since the imaging resolution of SR volume holographic lens is better than that of PR one, it is the better choice to adopt a volume holographic imaging system with SR lens for microstructure imaging.


  • 球面参考全息透镜对于微观物体成像分辨率特性要优于平面参考光体全息透镜,适用微观成像系统

    Since the imaging resolution of SR volume holographic lens is better than that of PR one, it is the better choice to adopt a volume holographic imaging system with SR lens for microstructure imaging.


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