The reactive substance distributes in cytoplasm with negative nuclei.
Based on a reactant fed to the process according to the stoichiometric coefficients.
The relation between the physical properties of the compounds and their structures, and the effect of the reaction molar ratios to the reaction were studied.
Acid flow and reaction in a wormhole was studied by modeling the wormhole as a cylinder and numerically solving the mass balance equation that describes acid transport by convection and diffusion.
All reduction reaction materials, acid materials and other materials that can take reaction with phenolics would affect the detection of phenolics.
And thus, it lays a foundation for the final international adoption of the MCPVT method as a standard in evaluating the violence of self reactive substances in heating decomposition.
Slow reaction substance of anaphylaxis(SRS-A) release from lung tissues of the sensitized guinea pigs after antigen challenge was examined by bioassay.
This, in turn, can be applied to improve current approaches to risk assessments and epidemiology of infectious disease and to develop new responses for combating pathogens in the environment.
The compressed syngas then flows over a specially designed catalyst—a solid material that holds the individual reactant molecules and preferentially encourages particular chemical reactions.
If there's more of it, you'll just have more at any given time decaying over to products. So you have an exponential decay.
A coking gas oil was treated by clay refining processs in laboratory. Then the oil reacted with a substance a.
A coking gas oil was treated by clay refining processs in laboratory. Then the oil reacted with a substance a.