It stores its data in a flat address space, much like a completely de-normalized data warehouse.
The difference is, when dealing with the App Engine datastore, you must de-normalize early and often.
不过,当要求实现更高的性能时,则需要创建物化视图来反规范化(de - normalize)数据。
However, when high performance is required, materialized views are created to de-normalize the data.
If you do decide to de-normalize, be sure to document this thoroughly: describe in some detail, the reasoning behind the de-normalization steps that you took.
而更改表的设计,或修改用户需求,抑或修改反规范化(de - normalizing)表,都不是很有吸引力的选择。
Changing the table design, or modifying user requirements, or de-normalizing the tables, are usually less attractive options.
而将一个表 反规范化(de-normalize)的意思是,违反该表之前遵从的一种或多种范式,从而修改规范化的设计。
To de-normalize a table means that you modify the normalized design by violating one or more of the normal forms to which the table had previously conformed.
This paper introduces the appliance of anti-normalization in database design, which gives some examples based on the implement of anti-normalization to optimize the database design.
Data normalization is always recommended in theory, but in practice over-normalization (or normalization without appropriate de-normalization) lead to reliance on joins for data retrieval.
Data normalization is always recommended in theory, but in practice over-normalization (or normalization without appropriate de-normalization) lead to reliance on joins for data retrieval.