Those who love you are also deprived, but just as often I find the opposite works.
Being an interesting person helps in building and managing relationships, but the reverse is also true.
It worked the other way around too: sports fans were generally not as happy as they expected when their team won.
And of course, the reverse is also true: An object that is sending less light to our eyes appears darker.
I imagine it's the same thing in reverse for those names Chinese choose for themselves that native English speakers find funny.
The other (complementary or antisense) strand always has a sequence that matches the first strand, with each C complemented by a G, and each A by a T, and vice versa.
The reverse is also true: You could easily hold a collection of runner names in a race domain (shown in Listing 9).
The reverse is also true; make sure your server can accept large up-stream transfers from clients sending XML data.
Many companies are putting print journalists in the same room as those who work online, so that print writers are working for the website and vice versa.
因此那些购买了Adobe DRM格式书籍的人们,在欧洲有很多这样的人,他们的书在iBooks的应用中将无法阅读,反过来也一样。
“So all those people, mainly in Europe, buying Adobe DRM’ed books will not be able to read them in the iBooks app and vice versa, ” he says.
反过来也一样,如果我向您提供了我的约束模型(constraint model)(通常为DTD或者XMLschema格式),您就能够很快地操作我的数据。
The same is true the other way... if I provide you my constraint model (usually in the form of a DTD or XML Schema), you quickly can work with my data.
It doesn't have to be an offensive capability, but it's perfectly possible, as we know, just as an intruder can screw up a company's network, the reverse can happen.
As with any great relationship, your job will love you most when you serve your job; then your job can best serve you, too.
And yet these little sheets of paper speak to us, arouse us, teach us, open our hearts, and in turn open their hearts to us like brothers.
Why we are in certain circumstances may have us baffled, but it's quite probably that the people we associate with regularly need something we can give them; the reverse is just as likely.
On a blustery day in the Emerald Isle it would flow in the other.
On a blustery day in the Emerald Isle it would flow in the other.