• 可以发现大楼内有停车场。

    You'll find a parking lot behind the building.


  • 有一他们外出旅行回家发现大楼停电了!

    One day they returned home from travel and discovered that the mansion had a power cut!


  • 发现摩天台88占用发现大楼88全层,地面285(935英尺),南半球最高建筑物公众观景台。

    Eureka Skydeck 88 occupied 88th floor of Eureka Tower. The level about 285 meters (935 feet) from the ground, is the tallest observation deck in building in the southern hemisphere.


  • 进入这栋大楼发现容易

    It's not easy for somebody to get into the building unobserved.


  • 警察拆除了市中心一大楼发现炸弹的引信。

    Police have defused a bomb found in a downtown building.


  • 一个可疑包裹发现代表们撤离这栋大楼

    Delegates evacuated the building when a suspect package was found.


  • 吉姆·格兰特在上班的路上发现一栋大楼冒出黑烟时,他停下车打了911。

    When Jim Grant spotted black smoke coming out of a building on his way to work, he stopped his car to call 911.


  • 发现大楼底层顶层温差变化非常大,这些数据本来应该利用起来,设计更多自然降温的设施。

    He discovered vast temperature variations between the bottom and top of the building, data that could have been used to facilitate more natural cooling.


  • 其中一名抗议者告诉BBC他们获准卫兵陪同下进入大楼发现堆积如山的被粉碎文件但是无一人

    One of the protesters told the BBC that they'd been allowed into the building by guards, and had discovered piles of shredded documents, but nobody inside.


  • 劳伦斯发现的经济危机与摩天大楼联系称为“百年病态关联”,此类现象人类社会又何止存在了百年。

    Lawrence named the link he had found as "centennial metamorphic link". Yet phenomenons of this kind are far longer than just a century in human history.


  • 走进大楼,我惊愕发现我要地下室舞厅演讲

    When I got into the building I was dismayed to find I would be speaking in a ballroom in the basement.


  • 加上药物后继输送成本我们发现每年综合疟疾控制花费不到五角大楼花销

    Add in the costs of medicines and ongoing delivery services, and we find that comprehensive malaria control would cost less than two days' Pentagon spending each year.


  • 船舶发现过去世界贸易中心大楼南部离地表20英尺,以往在建筑没有触动过。

    The ship was found just south of where the World Trade Center towers used to stand, about 20 feet below the surface, It was not touched by earlier construction.


  • 警方经过多日搜索他们周日晚间安保严密动物研究实验室大楼墙壁发现Annie Le尸体

    Police said that late Sunday, after several days of searching, they had found the body 'within a wall,' in the tightly secured animal-research-laboratory building.


  • 警方经过多日搜索他们周日晚间安保严密动物研究实验室大楼墙壁发现Annie Le尸体

    Police said that late Sunday, after several days of searching, they had found the body 'within a wall, ' in the tightly secured animal-research-laboratory building.


  • 医护人员人员赶到时他们发现女孩处在分娩,就赶紧送到附近大楼,在那里顺利产下她的孩子。

    When ambulance staff arrived they saw the girl was on the point of giving birth and rushed her to a nearby building where she had her baby.


  • 不久仰慕罗克设计建筑商人采石场发现他带回了纽约,让他负责设计所公寓大楼

    Soon, a businessman who admires the buildings Roark managed to have built finds him at the quarry and brings him back to New York to work on an apartment building.


  • 有一次,在拉塞尔参议院大楼附近我们偶然发现可能是由肥料出来小堆。

    Once, near the Russell Senate Office Building, we happened upon a mysterious pile of pellets that appeared to be some kind of fertilizer.


  • 调查应绝密,范围泄露,其中发现办公大楼租赁前景并不乐观。

    The supposedly confidential, but widely leaked, study found that the leasing prospects for the new office towers are not good.


  • 调查发现建造大楼钢筋结构,被偷换成了脆弱的铁丝

    Investigations in that case exposed a flimsy skeleton of iron wires being used instead of steel to hold together the building.


  • 离开公司大楼车时,我发现我的车人偷了,可警察却说他们无计可施

    When I left the building to go to my car, I found out it was stolen. The police say they can do nothing.


  • 然后美国国家航空与宇航局开始发现”号装配大楼移送发射台,这比原定时间至少推迟小时

    NASA then began moving Discovery from its assembly building to the launch pad, after a delay of at least two hours.


  • 12月23日发现航天飞机燃料箱正在NASA位于佛罗里达肯尼迪航天中心装配大楼接受检查

    The external fuel tank for the space shuttleDiscovery undergoes examination in the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on December 23.


  • 期望古墓丽影发现东西五角大楼房间投影三维虚拟现实模型挖掘公元前10世纪57 000平方英尺堡垒

    It's something you'd expect to find in Lara Croft's mansion: a pentagon-shaped room projecting a 3-d virtual-reality model of an excavated 57, 000-square-foot fortress from the 10th century B.C..


  • 金融街走上遭,发现金融街9这个钢筋水泥玻璃组成的17层大楼依然空空如也。

    Across town, take a walk down Financial Street, and you'll pass No. 9, a 17-story concrete-and-glass tower that's unoccupied.


  • 公寓大楼欧洲理念建造的,但是在那里印度人发现某些方面他们以前居住空间模式不一致

    The apartments were built according to European concepts, but the Indians living there found certain aspects inconsistent with their previous use of living space.


  • 公寓大楼欧洲理念建造的,但是在那里印度人发现某些方面他们以前居住空间模式不一致

    The apartments were built according to European concepts, but the Indians living there found certain aspects inconsistent with their previous use of living space.


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