A similar view was taken by Bernard Wood, a paleoanthropologist at George Washington University.
The Neanderthal man and the Cro-Magnon man are subjects of study for a paleoanthropologist.
EXACTLY when humanity became artistic is much debated by palaeo-anthropologists.
THE GREAT AGE of the Georgian hominids and the simplicity of their tools came as a shock to many paleoanthropologists.
英国古人类学家在PLoS One杂志报道他们发现了这些一亿四千七百年前的头骨杯子。
British paleoanthropologists report the discovery of these 14,700-year-old skull-cups in the journal PLoS One.
"We're evolving to eat mush," said Bernard Wood, a paleoanthropologist at George Washington University.
Palaeo anthropologists, archaeologists and, more recently, geneticists have all bolstered the "out of Africa" theory, which holds that early man wandered out of the Rift Valley.
Meanwhile, Suwa, a wizard in the new field of virtual anthropology, CT scanned the bones too fragile to handle, creating digital versions that could be analyzed.
德州农工大学(Texas A&M University)的古人类学家、也是伯杰团队成员的达瑞尔·德·鲁伊特(DarryldeRuiter)认为,长腿和现代脚踝是将其归入人类的主要因素。
The long legs and that modern ankle are key elements on the human side of the ledger, says Darryl de Ruiter, a paleoanthropologist at Texas A&M University and part of the Malapa team.
同时,亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)的古人类学家威廉·金贝尔(William Kimbel)主张,虽然sediba可能不是人类的一个直系祖先,但还是应当归为人属这一类,而非南方古猿。
Meanwhile, Arizona State University paleoanthropologist William Kimbel argued that A. sediba should have been classified as Homo, though it may not have been a direct human ancestor.
同时,亚利桑那州立大学(Arizona State University)的古人类学家威廉·金贝尔(William Kimbel)主张,虽然sediba可能不是人类的一个直系祖先,但还是应当归为人属这一类,而非南方古猿。
Meanwhile, Arizona State University paleoanthropologist William Kimbel argued that A. sediba should have been classified as Homo, though it may not have been a direct human ancestor.