• 预见未来焦炭仍是炼铁缺少的原料

    Coke is and remains an indispensable raw material for iron-making in the foreseeable future.


  • 度量系统支持性很难量化又是不缺少

    Harder to quantify but still essential is measuring the "supportability" of the system.


  • 尽力帮助孩子认识雨水维持生命缺少

    However, you can try to help your children realize that rain is vital to life.


  • 尽力帮助孩子认识雨水维持生命缺少

    However, you can try to help your children realize that rain is vital to life. Without rain, plants and animals would die of thirst.


  • 商业智能(BI),企业来说缺少的工具即时看穿景气指标

    Business Intelligence (BI) is emerging as an essential tool for enterprises to gain real-time insights on key business indicators.


  • 生物信息学蛋白质研究缺少的技术通过比较谱分析结果蛋白质数据库中的氨基酸序列实现蛋白质的鉴定。

    Bioinformatics which is an indispensable technique can evaluate the protein by comparing the results of mass spectrometry and the amino acid rank in protein databank.


  • 在此强调缺少信任因此场战斗出现了,其实根本没有什么的。

    What I want to emphasize here is that I lacked trust on her. So a fight came out even though there is nothing to argue about.


  • 如果测试函数,而这个函数是一个常见的添加软件包一部分,那么不要告诉用户缺少函数的名称——告诉用户他们需要软件包。

    If you're testing for a function that is part of a popular add-on package, don't tell the user the name of the missing function — tell the user the name of the package they need.


  • 缺少一致重复过程导致构建再生成困难

    The lack of a consistent, repeatable process can lead to difficulties reproducing builds.


  • 通常缺少一种单一移植接受业务流程执行标准业务流程模型符号标准

    There's usually a lack of a single, portable, and acceptable standard for business process execution and business process model notation.


  • 一旦建成运行之后30长的时间里将持续不断提供石油资源,而那些传统的油田产量相对而言缺少预见性。

    Once up and running, oil-sands mines produce a steady flow of oil for 30 years or more, whereas the output of more conventional fields is much less predictable.


  • 原始WSDL及其导入模式相比,所生成的WSDL缺少重用性

    The WSDL produced is much less reusable than the original WSDL and its imported schema.


  • 这个悖论不顾那个方程计算得到最终数字,而证明了目前明显缺少沟通外星文明存在的证据。

    This paradox explains that there seems to be a distinct lack of evidence of such communicating civilizations regardless of the final number that drops out of the bottom of the equation.


  • 不幸的是,不能自己希望所有东西获得一个移植API,这些移植的API有时能会缺少一些特性

    Unfortunately, you can't always get a portable API for what you want, and portable APIs might sometimes lack features.


  • 日本消费水平在世界上名列前茅,但长久以来,日本缺少创业精神视为结构性缺陷是日本经济业绩乏善陈一大原因。

    A lack of business innovation has long been recognised as one of the structural weaknesses behind the lacklustre economic performance of one of the world's most expensive countries.


  • 很多毁坏倒塌归咎于增加变形需求(变形倾向),而设计糟糕支柱缺少变形性更是雪上加霜

    Many failures and collapses can be attributed to the increased deformation demands caused by soft stories, coupled with lack of deformability of poorly designed columns.


  • 工作场所,自我陶醉表现特殊性坚信、寻求权益团队合作表现缺少同情心

    In the workplace, narcissism can manifest as conviction of specialness, entitlement, poor teamwork or lack of compassion.


  • 感到高兴声音缺少避免事情

    Her rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable.


  • 如果是因为激素缺少不是肾小管对这种激素没有反应的话注射血管加压生物制剂或化学合成制剂来治疗。下视丘病变会造成尿症。

    Injections of synthetic vasopressin are effective if the hormone is lacking but not if the response is absent. disorders of the hypothalamus are one cause of diabetes insipid us.


  • 除了物质还有许多值得追求东西金钱物质增加也是一个一生中不能缺少追求。

    That be, in addition to material, also have many deserve pursue of thing, can the increment of the money material also is in one personal whole life and can't be in need of of pursue.


  • 那令人高兴声音缺少某种避免东西。

    Her rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable.


  • 风机负载采用调速驱动节约大量能量由于缺少简单经济电机高速装置技术基本没有推广

    The speed control driving for fan-type load can save much energy, but it is not popularized for lack of simple, reliable and economical motor speed control device.


  • 由于我国特殊国情我国农业预算既缺少专业理论指导,更没有现成经验遵循

    Due to the special situation of our country, there is a lack of special theory to guide and ready-made experience to follow for our agricultural budget.


  • 这本两次引用吸血乌贼一比喻,缺少这一比喻比肩的大胆犀利态度

    Cohan's "Money and Power, " which invokes the "vampire squid" line twice but has no comparably bold attitude of its own.


  • 普通类型压力测量相对比较便宜些但是缺少另一个精确性重复性

    Ordinary dial-type pressure gauges are relatively inexpensive, but lack accuracy and repeatability of measurement from one to another.


  • 因此这种情况下很少孩子大脑捐献用于研究并且由于缺少研究大脑,这项研究进展的十分,”

    "So very seldom do people at that moment make the decision to donate their child's brain tissue for research, and in the absence of brain tissue for research, it goes very slowly," he said.


  • 现有评价方法不能满足缺少测井资料岩心资料野猫岩石钻性进行钻预测的需要。

    For wild well, there are lack of logging data and core data. Therefore, present evaluation methods of rock drillability can not be applied to predict rock drillability of wildcat well before drilling.


  • 现有评价方法不能满足缺少测井资料岩心资料野猫岩石钻性进行钻预测的需要。

    For wild well, there are lack of logging data and core data. Therefore, present evaluation methods of rock drillability can not be applied to predict rock drillability of wildcat well before drilling.


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