Learning is a treasure which accompanies its owner everywhere.
Guest series. Carry-on beauty, nobleness can be share at home.
It includes two detachable pocket panels, and a carry-on size duffle bag.
Holter monitor. This portable ECG device can be worn for a day or more to record your heart's activity as you go about your routine.
With all of your files a portable hard drive away, your important functions will be as portable as your portable drive is.
祈祷用地毯设计成可随身携带。东方的地毯在16 ~17世纪进口到欧洲,由于认为太过珍贵而没有铺在地上,经常被用作装饰物。
Oriental carpets imported into Europe in the 16th-17th century were considered too valuable to be put on the floor and were often used as wall decoration.
The benefits of plastic bags, convenient, portable, cheap, used up can be thrown into the garbage.
The user may carry the mobile unit along with, which real-time monitor user's physiological data, when examines to exceptionally, it automatically dials the monitoring center;
The user may carry the mobile unit along with, which real-time monitor user's physiological data, when examines to exceptionally, it automatically dials the monitoring center;