Every device keeps track of its "neighborhood"; thereby further improving reliability and robustness.
As with any JMS application, the quality of service you choose impacts performance — reliability and robustness have a cost.
这项技术我们已经使用了一段时间,但过去它总是“opt- in”——在最近的版本中已经默认开启了,因为它已经证明了自己的可靠性和健壮性。
We have been using this technology for a while but it was always' opt-in '- but in the recent release it is now on by default, since the technology we are using has proven itself reliable and robust.
为了实现它的驱动程序,DB 2Connect有一个独特的基础设施,这个基础设施增加了驱动程序的可靠性、可伸缩性和健壮性——我们将在这一节中具体谈到。
To implement its drivers, DB2 Connect has a unique infrastructure that adds to the reliability, scalability, and robustness of its drivers — we'll talk about them in this section.
Improve Glimmer's robustness and reliance on Eclipse technologies through the help of the Eclipse community.
Improve Glimmer's robustness and reliance on Eclipse technologies through the help of the Eclipse community.