I thought about this last night as I struggled with getting my newly stringed guitar in tune, something I've yet to master.
I know tuning a guitar is something you can learn to do with practice, but I was tired and didn't have the energy for learning any new tricks.
Ray tuned that guitar as if he were putting his life back into harmony. I have never heard a guitar tuned like that before or since.
With the tap of a download button, your iPhone can become a flute, a medical device, a high-definition radio, a guitar tuner, a police radio scanner and 150, 000 other “things.”
To tune up, the guitarist tightens an adjustor screw at the bridge that alters the position of its corresponding spring, changing its leverage to obtain the right tension.
In 2005, Lyles, a Duke University engineering graduate and an avid guitarist, built his first tuner out of plywood, two screws, a skateboard bearing and some spare guitar parts.
One early element of his style was to put all the tuning keys on one side of the guitar neck. C. F. Martin, Senior also made guitars with necks that could be moved up and down.
One early element of his style was to put all the tuning keys on one side of the guitar neck. C. F. Martin, Senior also made guitars with necks that could be moved up and down.