They are from the same tribe. There were around 25 armed men wearing military uniforms.
In a valley where everyone comes from the same tribe and everyone is someone's cousin, finding a shelter for the night is simply a matter of knocking on a door.
As a Chinese poet, he also feels a deep identification with the lineage of Portuguese poets and poets writing in Portuguese.
"Here, we are all of the same tribe," said a young Pashtun poet and journalist. He had a flimsy beard and eyes the colour of honey.
当踢踏舞、打击乐、城市舞、特技、卡波卫勒舞和部落舞的天才演员汇聚到同一个舞台上,会发生什么? ?
What will happen when the highest level talent from tap, percussion, urban dance, aerial and floor acrobatics, capoeira, and tribal dance come together?