• 多亏同事支持重返工作岗位不过不可避免的,每天疯狂冲刺变成了爬行

    Thanks to the support of my colleagues, I returned to work, but by necessity my frenetic daily sprint had to slow to a crawl.


  • 缺乏支持。缺乏老板同事支持会让解决工作带来压力别的其它问题难度增加

    Lack of support. Lack of support from your boss or coworkers makes it harder to solve other problems at work that are causing stress for you.


  • 中国作为东道国,今年一定当好东道国,这次会议,相信得到日本韩国同事支持

    China will do what it can to be a good host and make the meeting a success. We believe we will have the support of our Japanese and ROK colleagues.


  • 中国作为东道国,今年一定当好东道国,这次会议,相信得到日本韩国同事支持

    China will do what it can to be a good host and chair and make the meeting a success. We believe we will also have support from our Japan and ROK colleagues.


  • 许多家庭分享抚育孩子压力,同事们经常互相帮助完成项目邻里间积累废品、一起甩卖所有这些情感的支持

    Neighborhoods have a giant garage sale to assist in turning items no longer used into cash for families. All the while these interactions give each of you emotional support.


  • 有时候同事们会说错代词,但是马上就会纠正过来,大多数人都支持的。

    Sometimes co-workers slip their pronouns, but immediately correct themselves, and most have been supportive.


  • 斯托她的同事们最近正在准备NASA提出经费申请。NASA的探索基金专门负责支持一类相对廉价的科研项目

    Stofan and colleagues are currently putting together a proposal to submit to NASA for funding, under the Discovery-class missions category, which covers relatively inexpensive projects.


  • 谢谢同事国际体育联合会以及国家地区奥委会朋友,感谢协作支持

    My friends and colleagues at the International Federations and national Olympic Committees, thank you for your close collaboration.


  • 借助生物医学成像生物工程研究所提供资金支持起初hamad -Schifferli同事们着手研究一种能够阻止转化系统

    With funding from the Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, Hamad-Schifferli and her co-workers initially set out to design a system that would prevent translation.


  • 有时候同事们说错代词但是马上就会纠正过来,大多数人都支持的。“基本上跟他一样,但是一点进步了。”莉娜说。

    Sometimes co-workers slip their pronouns, but immediately correct themselves, and most have been supportive. "I am basically the same, with a few improvements, " said Lina.


  • 那些过去一直友好的给与支持同事一个个离开,被欺负者一个人感觉像是外人、被逐出者。

    Work colleagues, who may formerly have been friendly and supportive, melt away and the target is left feeling like a pariah and an outcast.


  • 领域卡住那次会议上,就拉利先生支持同事们很快就开始插嘴建议克服汽车问题

    When Mr Fields stuck his hand up at that meeting and won Mr Mulally's approval, colleagues soon began chipping in with helpful Suggestions to overcome the problem with the new car.


  • 所以同给予支持朋友以往同事业务上的联系人保持联络对于精神健康求职来说都重要。

    Staying connected to supportive friends, family, former co-workers, and business contacts is important for your mental well-being and your job search.


  • 简短温馨的电子邮件同事感谢支持附带个人邮箱地址同事们日后联系你。

    Send a short and sweet email to your colleagues thanking them for their support and leaving a personal email just in case they need to get in touch with you.


  • 至于未来同事们支持有一天将由伯恩斯接替玛尔卡茜(周年满53岁)成为首席执行官知道并非是能确定的。

    As for the future, colleagues are rooting for Burns to someday succeed Mulcahy (who turns 53 this week) as CEO, but they know there are no guarantees.


  • 不能期望同事支持

    He can not always expect his colleagues to prop him up.


  • 阿什·肯纳同事们成为一支支持力量,打破营造复杂性文化徒劳模式

    Make it like a support group and break unproductive patterns that create a culture of complexity, says Mr. Ashkenas.


  • 赫布演讲未能说服同事支持这个计划

    Herb's speech failed to sway his colleagues into supporting the plan.


  • 各方的关心支持下,丹育种猪场顺利落户灌云县灌西盐场今天在此项目奠基同事们感到欣慰和激动

    Today, now, we are here laying the foundation for DanBred Breeding Farm. My colleagues and I are very delighted and excited.


  • 事件发生后人对你非常友好并且切尔西同事你许多意想不到支持吧。

    The reaction has been very outgoing and the support at Chelsea from colleagues has been fantastic.


  • 本周获得支持想法同事帮助

    You will be able to enlist the help of colleagues who believe in your ideas.


  • 同事们陆续收到了您发来表示慰问支持信息邮件非常感谢大家

    I am therefore personally very grateful to all of you who have been sending me and my staff text messages and mails with expressions of sympathy and support.


  • 同事们陆续收到了您发来表示慰问支持信息邮件非常感谢大家

    I am therefore personally very grateful to all of you who have been sending me and my staff text messages and mails with expressions of sympathy and support.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定