• 这项研究中的关键操作一半实验对象认为他们一位同性恋竞争另一半的实验对象认为他们在和异性恋竞争。

    The critical manipulation in this study was that half of the participants thought they were competing against a gay male, whereas the other half thought they were competing against a straight male.


  • 专家研究数据显示,不论哪里大部分(70%95%)性别混乱男孩长大后会变成同性恋

    Studies suggest that the majority of gender-variant boys will grow up to be gay men, with experts putting the figure at anywhere from 70 percent to 95 percent.


  • 科研小组早期一个研究发现测试说话的流利程度时,同性恋异性者的表现要胜过女同性恋者与男异性恋者。

    An earlier study by the same team found gay men and straight women outperformed lesbians and straight men at tasks designed to test verbal fluency.


  • 一些后续调查研究注意到了过去年里人们人们谈论同性恋问题方式显著改变

    Researchers who did follow-up interviews with some respondents also noticed significant changes in the way people spoke about gay issues over the last seven years.


  • 实验结果证实了研究猜测同性恋异性恋者测试成绩一样两者都异性

    The results confirmed what the investigators suspected they'd find: the gay men and straight women scored about equally well in the test, and both did better than the straight men.


  • 位于瑞典首都著名研究中心科研人员同样发现同性恋异性恋者的脑部,与情感反应有关大脑神经回路一样。

    Scientists at the prestigious Stockholm Brain Institute in Sweden also found certain brain circuits linked to emotional responses were the same in gay men and straight women.


  • 伦敦·玛丽皇后大学研究团队,后天变成同性恋孩子往往不具备与自身性别一致个性和特质。

    Children who later become gay or lesbian are more likely to differ from these expected traits, or gender conformity, said a team from Queen Mary University in London.


  • 美国心理学协会通过多个研究总结后得到结果包括美国人,西班牙同性恋者内少数人群有不同反映

    The findings from the various studies the APA looked at reflect differences in minority populations including African Americans, Hispanics and gay men.


  • 接受研究中心展开调查的人中,58%的他们主张公开同性恋身份的人军中服役,27%的反对

    Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed for the Pew Research Center poll said they favor having openly gay people serve in the military, while 27 percent were against it.


  • 2003年研究发现二十二十九岁支持同性恋婚姻到了2010年,群体已经扩大38的人。

    Overall, in 2003 the researchers found that 20 - to 29-year-olds were the most supportive of gay marriage; by 2010, that group had expanded upward to age 38.


  • 一项初步实验中,来自Tufts大学研究人员NicholasRuleNalini Ambady从在线约会网站中精选了45异性恋照片和45张同性恋照片。

    In an initial experiment, researchers Nicholas Rule and Nalini Ambady from Tufts University perused online dating sites and carefully selected 45 straight male faces and 45 gay male faces.


  • 但是纽约美国州立大学两位进化论心理学研究者将麦克林·托克研究结论应用于同性恋者时,结果令他们十分困惑。为什么出现了不同的结果?

    But at the State University of New York, two evolutionary psychologists were puzzled to discover that lesbians show no McClintock effect.


  • 这份加利福尼亚的报告中称同性恋男性相对异性恋男性而言更易患有癌症关于研究的具体原因清楚

    In this Californian survey, gay men were more likely than straight men to say they had been diagnosed with cancer, but it's not clear from this study why this might be.


  • 本文通过一些女同性恋生活史感情访谈她们性别认同身份认同过程进行了研究

    The research studies the process of gender identity and lesbian identity of lesbian by interviewing with three lesbian cases on their life history and emotional history.


  • 工作环境歧视同性恋雇主会造成多大损失?工作-生活政策中心the Centerfor Work-Life Policy)一项新的研究对此进行了量化分析。

    New research from the Center for Work-Life Policy quantifies the cost to employers when the workplace environment is unfriendly to gays and lesbians.


  • 早先一个研究显示:同性恋者的大脑反应异性男性有不同虽然同性恋者的大脑性激素的反应同性恋者的大脑对性激素的反应明显,但最近的这项新研究符合先前的研究结果。

    That's in line with an earlier study that had indicated gay men's brain responses were different from straight men though the difference for men was more pronounced than has now been found in women.


  • 很喜欢研究同性恋心理

    I like study the buggers's psychology or the narcissistic homoerotism.


  • 美国研究人员艾滋病患者已经开始服用一种药片减少同性恋之间艾滋病感染率。自服用这种药片以来,感染率下降了44%。如果经常服用,会起到更好的效果。

    Researchers in the United States say a pill already used to treat HIV patients reduces the risk of new infections in gay men by 44%, more if the pill is taken regularly.


  • 一个新的高度抗药性菌株“肉为主食的”MRSA细菌正在蔓延其中同性恋男子美国旧金山波士顿研究人员报告了周一

    A new, highly drug-resistant strain of the "flesh-eating" MRSA bacteria is being spread among gay men in San Francisco and Boston, researchers reported on Monday.


  • 一个新的高度抗药性菌株“肉为主食的”MRSA细菌正在蔓延其中同性恋男子美国旧金山波士顿研究人员报告了周一

    A new, highly drug-resistant strain of the "flesh-eating" MRSA bacteria is being spread among gay men in San Francisco and Boston, researchers reported on Monday.


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