• 醒来惟,一句修学契入本净恰当说明。

    After I awoke I thought that this is a good explanation of how to practice to attain original purity.


  • 2000年1月,鲁·西蒙斯加入高盛董事会,担任外部董事成为布朗大学校长

    Ruth Simmons joined Goldman Sachs's board as an outside director in January 2000; a year later she became president of Brown University.


  • 不能改变任何东西取得任何进展如果你只是坐在那里前顾

    You can't change anything or make any sort of progress by sitting back and thinking about it.


  • 婚礼结束·韦尔一起出来柯克·欧菲尔德看望利,陪聊天

    After the wedding, Bothwell and I walked out to Kirk o 'field to see Darnley and talk to him.


  • 女孩走开咖啡店友好的态度表示歉意,“是这家店里唯一常客可是现在了,店里没有一个认识。”

    Siyu apologized for the shop’s unfriendliness after the girl had returned to the counter. “I’m about their only regular customer, but for three years no one has acknowledged me, ” she said.


  • 德国慕尼黑马克普朗克行为生理学研究所做了博士开始在其丈夫教授供职的华盛顿州立大学进行研究工作。

    She spent two years as a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Munich, Germany, then carried out research at Washington State University where her husband was a professor.


  • 唐巴尔呆了两个星期·韦尔驱马回到爱丁堡

    After two weeks in Dunbar, Bothwell and I rode back to Edinburgh.


  • 说:“进门一眼看到就是厨房里,就电视一位妈妈一样。”

    "In we come, and the first thing I see is Leslie standing in the kitchen like a mother on a television show," he says.


  • 朋友逝世这样宣称:“马克是个天才,我们其他人至多是有才而已。”

    "Marx was a genius; we others were at best talented," he declared after his friend's death.


  • 卡尔离开拿出台磁带录音机——已经整个对话录了下来。

    When Carl leaves, Keith pulls out a tape recorder -- he has taped their whole conversation.


  • 德科尔萨完全就是传统穿制服酒店门房,而且拥有这个职业典型传统背景——毕业就来到酒店了一个小跑堂。

    Mr de Kosar is every inch the traditional, uniformed hotel concierge with a typical old-style background in the jobhe joined The Ritz as a pageboy straight from school.


  • 所以每一一些尸体出现婀瑞总是原告身份辨认尸体。

    So each time a group of bodies shows up, Araceli is called by the prosecutor to make a positive identification.


  • 没有儿子联络一个星期赶往警察总署询问儿子在哪里

    When Araceli didn't hear from her son for a week, she went to the police headquarters and asked where he was.


  • 山东烟台万华集团收购匈牙利化学公司,使这家东欧老牌化工企业重新焕发了青春。

    After acquired by the Wanhua Group of Yantai, Shandong province, Hungary's BorsodChem, a time-honored chemical enterprise in central and eastern Europe, has shown renewed vitality.


  • 员工透露10月10日将一个经理讨论发布大事”的活动,有可能关于确定两iPhone5即将发布的相关事宜。

    The Best Buy employee also revealed that an event was scheduled for October 10 for managers to discuss upcoming "big releases"- which would fit with an iPhone 5 launch a fortnight later.


  • 听取新的结果国际艾滋病疫苗倡议组织首席执行官·伯克利:“可以肯定的是,试验出现了一些信号。”他补充说:“效果不是明显。”

    After hearing the new results, Seth Berkley, chief executive of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, said, "Certainly, there's some kind of signal there," but added, "it's a modest effect."


  • 最近个周一晚班课程结束5岁的臧琪(音)冲向妈妈急不可待地自己用纸叠的一枚白色火箭,火箭头部分白雪公主的贴纸。

    After a recent Monday-evening class, five-year-old Zang Siqi rushes toward her mother, eager to show off a white rocket she has made out of paper, a Snow White sticker in its nose cone.


  • 使福克斯超越原有车型本田(Honda Civic)、丰田卡罗拉(ToyotaCorolla)和雪弗兰(Chevrolet)Cobalt竞争对手车型公路行驶时每加仑汽油的行驶里程为3536英里。

    That would put the new Focus ahead of the older model and competitors such as the Honda Civic, Toyota Corolla and Chevrolet Cobalt, all of which are rated at 35 or 36 mpg on the highway.


  • 蒙特利尔银行(BMO)的基•巴赫曼:我们注意iPad1上市大概1月里售出了100万美国),不到2个月里售出了200万台。

    BMO's Keith Bachman: We note that the original iPad sold 1 million units in approximately 1 month of shipment (US only) and 2 million units in less than 2 months.


  • 赵博先生返回苹果公司收购1996年创办公司NeXT, NeXT的股价现已增长了大约二十倍。

    Since Mr Jobs returned to Apple following its acquisition of another of his start-ups, NeXT, in 1996, its share price has grown roughly 20-fold.


  • 日前,英国杂货零售商伍尔公司未雨绸缪,提前英国王位第二继承人威廉王子女友凯特·米德尔顿订婚仪式设计制造了10万件纪念品以便婚约宣布的第一时间上架销售

    British retailer Woolworths has produced 100,000 souvenirs ready to be deployed to stores if Prince William, second in line to the throne, and his girlfriend Kate Middleton get engaged.


  • 日前,英国杂货零售商伍尔公司未雨绸缪,提前英国王位第二继承人威廉王子女友凯特·米德尔顿订婚仪式设计制造了10万件纪念品以便婚约宣布的第一时间上架销售

    British retailer Woolworths has produced 100, 000 souvenirs ready to be deployed to stores if Prince William, second in line to the throne, and his girlfriend Kate Middleton get engaged.


  • 认识的人在和他谈完话走开感到他与的心境是相同的,因为给了他一些特别的注意。

    His new acquaintance walks away feeling connected since Keith lavished on some personal attention.z


  • 每每能够帮助乘客自己感到欣慰,特别是自己服务乘客认可自己内心充满自豪满足

    Yu Sihui said, often able to help the passengers, they are very pleased, especially after their service was recognized by passengers, his heart is full of pride and satisfaction.


  • 离开霍格沃茨打算按照当时的传统结伴周游世界拜访观察国外巫师,追求各自事业

    When Albus and I left Hogwarts we intended to take the then-traditional tour of the world together, visiting and observing foreign wizards, before pursuing our separate careers.


  • 所以行,抛弃校园爱情毕业一个聪明决定

    So, look before you leap, discard campus love and make a wiser decision after graduation.


  • 猫头鹰伴侣,是他每次被迫返回礼家魔法世界一个重要联系

    The owl had been his companion, his one great link with the magical world whenever he had been forced to return to the Dursleys.


  • 猫头鹰伴侣,是他每次被迫返回礼家魔法世界一个重要联系

    The owl had been his companion, his one great link with the magical world whenever he had been forced to return to the Dursleys.


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