• 对于吸毒者来说满足毒瘾胜过一切

    For drug addicts, the need to feed the addiction takes priority over everything else.


  • 一封写给法官的信中,内勒承认一个吸毒者

    Naylor acknowledged, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict.


  • 吸毒者多种

    There are many kinds of drug users.


  • 娱乐性吸毒者通过吸毒获得快感。

    Recreational users take drugs to get high.


  • 一些公司依赖尿分析法甚至隐蔽摄像头找到吸毒者

    Some firms have come to rely on urinalysis and even hidden cameras to locate drug users while others provide rehabilitation clinics for workers who choose their jobs over drugs.


  • 全球艾滋病毒检测咨询覆盖率仍然,对静脉吸毒者预防治疗干预措施覆盖率也很低。

    Global coverage of HIV testing and counselling remains unsatisfactorily low, as does coverage of prevention and treatment interventions for injecting drug users.


  • 大部份吸毒者男性一些区域的问题其它严重,而新市镇吸毒下降并不明显。

    Almost all heroin users are male as shown by pie charts in each district. Despite the decline, some districts do show a persistently higher level compared to neigbouring areas.


  • 某种程度上,电视迷生活如同吸毒者酒者一样他们看电视习惯打破了平衡

    In a way the lives of heavy viewers are as imbalanced by their television "habit" as a drug addict's or an alcoholic's.


  • 如果吸毒者规划得到语言学习软件然后戒毒最好地方开始

    If you are a drug addict who is planning to get over the addiction, language learning software, then a drug rehab is the best place to start.


  • 事实双重诊断患者在精神病院不被精神病患者接受,而在戒毒中心受到吸毒者的排挤。

    The problem is that persons with dual diagnosis are neither accepted by persons with mental illness in a mental hospital nor by persons with substance abuse in a detoxification center.


  • 目的确定吸毒共用影响因素中国静脉吸毒者开展艾滋病干预工作提供参考。

    Objective to examine the factors that contribute to drug use and syringe sharing behaviour in IDUs and develop related strategies against drug use and syringe sharing in China.


  • 目的探讨注射吸毒人群开展针具交换可行性评价预防注射吸毒者HIV感染效果

    Objective To explore the feasible methods and evaluate the results of needle exchange project in preventing from HIV infection among drug users through injection.


  • 今年早些时候,“砖巷”咖啡店曾推出“对不起,穷人进”不要那些吸毒者”的标语。

    Earlier this year it prompted a similar response with a sign saying 'sorry, no poor people' and another that read 'please don't feed the crackies, ' referring to drug addicts.


  • 摄影师莫克森注意到,这些吸毒者贩毒者保鲜膜包裹至少违禁品,随时为可能遭遇的搜查做好准备。

    PhotographerMoxon observed that the addicts and dealers would prepare themselvesfor possibel searches by wrapping their contraband at least 4 times inglad-wrap.


  • 东欧中亚注射吸毒者(大多数男性)占艾滋病毒受染人群70%以上,但是仅有四分之一的人获得治疗。

    In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, injecting drug users, a majority of them men, account for over 70 per cent of HIV-infected persons, but only about a quarter of treatment recipients.


  • 这个阶段危险危及生命成瘾成为进程各个方面表现不仅仅吸毒者仅仅家人朋友

    In this stage the dangerous life-threatening aspects of the addictive process become manifest too, not merely to the addict, merely also to family and friends.


  • 阴暗到处是不可自拔吸毒者,还有那些被非正式宣告毫无价值的人们除了死神,他们没有什么好

    It was all dark; it was all full of drug-addicts and unofficially declared insignificant old people waiting for no one but the angel of bereavement.


  • 第3集朋友汉娜吸毒者一些帮助自由转让在楼下以利亚,谁放走一峰放纵秘密

    3: Bad Friend: Hannah tackles a freelance assignment with some help from a junkie, who lives downstairs, and Elijah, who lets slip a secret in a moment of peak indulgence.


  • Clark,“研究结果显示了问题赌徒吸毒者之间联系同时问题赌徒心理药物治疗会产生影响。”

    "The results highlight some of the links between problem gambling and drug addiction, and have implications for both psychological and drug treatment for problem gamblers, " Clark said.


  • 目的研究男性吸毒者中的抑郁情绪存在情况,了解不同抑郁状况吸毒者成瘾行为社会支持之间关系

    Objective: to study the depressive emotion in male drug addicts and to know the relationship of depressive emotion and addiction behavior and society support.


  • 例如阿富汗巴基斯坦预防注射吸毒者之间艾滋病病毒传播工作可以受益伊朗和中亚实施的类似动议协调

    For example, working on HIV prevention with injecting drug users in Afghanistan and Pakistan would benefit from coordination with similar initiatives in Iran and Central Asia.


  • 为了确定基因人类的影响,研究人员 670名吸毒者 700吸毒者进行了对比基因测试

    To see if the gene played a role in cocaine addiction in humans, the researchers ran genetic tests on 670 cocaine addicts and more than 700 matched non-users.


  • 历史渊源来解释可能布莱顿六十年代最早认可药物依赖的地区之一,这可能它是吸毒者地方建立名声

    An historical explanation may be more likely: Brighton was one of the first places to acquire a drug-dependency unit in the 1960s, perhaps establishing a reputation as a good place for addicts.


  • 根据四级图表作文命题规律,第一段文章描述图表中所反映的我国吸毒者年龄分布最近二十年的变化情况,;

    Second, many of the young addicts turned for the first time to drugs for escape either from their failure in the national entrance exams or from their parents' breakup.


  • 内尔公司运营了半途房屋青年监狱,同时他们注意到吸毒者治疗需求上升房屋工作安排项目将使得犯人重返社会

    Cornell runs halfway houses and youth prisons and has noticed an uptick in the demand for drug treatment, housing, or job placement programs that help prisoners reenter society.


  • 年前尾随21世纪经济报道记者周浩认识吸毒者阿龙,火车站树丛里看到触目惊心注射人群

    Five years ago, I followed, "21st Century Business Herald" reporter Aaron Zhou known drug addicts in the woods next to the railway station saw a startling crowd of injection.


  • 斯特·拉斯迪表示,其研究一项重大发现美国男性吸毒人群中,驱逐出境者感染艾滋病几率普通吸毒者高出4

    Strathdee said the major finding of her study was that male drug users who had been deported from the U.S. were at four times greater risk than other male drug users of contracting HIV.


  • 眼睁睁看着女儿要毁了她自己生活,离家出走,变成吸毒者疯狂男人怀孕为什么不能结束了?

    Instead of seeing your daughter ruin her life and go off and become a drug addict and pregnant with a crazy man, why don't you just say it's time to end it?


  • 眼睁睁看着女儿要毁了她自己生活,离家出走,变成吸毒者疯狂男人怀孕为什么不能结束了?

    Instead of seeing your daughter ruin her life and go off and become a drug addict and pregnant with a crazy man, why don't you just say it's time to end it?


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