On this basis, the suggest for revising the method for testing density and water absorption of coarse aggregates specified in T0304-2005 is put forward.
The fact that specific absorption of aggregate has important effects on the optimum proportion of asphalt is detected by the tests.
This paper has arrived at the compressive strength, shear strength, modulus of elasticity, poisson's ratio, moisture content, water absorption and softening factor of lime-sand brick masonry.
The fact that specific absorption of aggregate has important effects on the optimum proportion of asphalt is detected by the tests.
Variation law of water absorption, dilation stress and dilation deformation with time were get from the water-absorption and dilation experiments.
ASTMD570塑料吸水率的标准试验方法简介:ASTM D570包括了塑料在浸水时相对吸水率的试验方法。
ASTM D570 Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics scope:this test method covers the detetmination of the relative rate of absorption water by plastics when immersed.
It is concluded that the surface free energy and water absorption of the copolymer are decreased with increasing of silicone content.
It is concluded that the surface free energy and water absorption of the copolymer are decreased with increasing of silicone content.