• 虽然HMC提供了一个图形用户界面但所有HM c功能可以通过命令来使用。

    Although the HMC provides a graphical user interfaces, all HMC functions are also available through the command line.


  • 简单命令绘声绘色GUI这些用户界面范围很广泛。

    These user interfaces can range from a simple command line to the all-singing, all-dancing GUIs.


  • 根据配置用户帐户存储各种不同的位置两种工具提供一种命令行界面同时也考虑通信

    User accounts can be stored in a variety of places depending on your configuration, and two tools give you a command-line interface while taking care of the back-end communication.


  • 系统建立老式命令界面之上,用户需要干巴巴的提示性语言打交道,比如C:\>之类。

    It was based on an old-fashioned command line interface that confronted users with surly little prompts such as C:\>.


  • 联邦q复制还有一个特色,就是提供相同向导驱动的图形用户界面(GUI)、命令行处理器脚本驱动的过程配置复制环境

    Federated Q replication also features the same wizard-driven graphical user interface (GUI), command-line processor, and script-driven processes to configure the replication environment.


  • GUI新手提供容易使用界面高级用户往往更喜欢命令api

    A GUI provides an easy to use interface for the novice while the command line API is often preferred by the advanced user.


  • 某些情况下需要习惯于命令界面用户设计他们强烈希望支持键盘输入

    In some cases, you will be designing for users who are accustomed to working on command-line operating systems and the applications made for them. They will be keen to have keyboard support.


  • 可以通过命令图形化用户界面(HealthCenter)每个健康指示器检索建议

    You can retrieve recommendations for each health indicator from the command line or through a graphical user interface (the health Center).


  • 联邦别名服务器健康快照可以通过 HealthCenter图形用户界面)、命令处理器C应用程序中的API 获取

    The health snapshot of federated nicknames and servers can be obtained by either using the Health Center (graphical user interface), the command line processor, or by using APIs in a C application.


  • 可以使用安全shell通过命令接口(CLI)管理IBMSONAS系统可以使用标准的web浏览器通过非常容易使用的web用户界面管理它。

    IBM SONAS system can be administered via the command line interface (CLI) using the secure shell or via highly consumable web-based user interface using a standard web browser.


  • 使用DevelopmentandTestCloud用户界面命令可以生成用于连接虚拟ssh密钥

    The SSH key used to connect to the virtual machine can be generated using the Development and Test Cloud user interface or using the command line.


  • 实际Expect应用程序通常用于解析命令行参数、将结果显示的表格中、数据库中检索历史数据、显示图形用户界面 (GUI),以及更多的用途。

    Real Expect applications often parse command-line arguments, tabulate results in columns, retrieve historical data from databases, display graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and much more.


  • 理想情况组件可以作为安装过程的一部分配置其数据库需求安装过程是用户通过使用Zero命令行界面发起的。

    The ideal scenario would be for the component to configure its database requirements as part of its installation process, which the consumer initiates using the Zero command-line interface.


  • 为了帮助管理这些不同资源设备提供图形用户界面一个命令界面

    In order for you to administer these different resources, the appliance provides both a graphical user interface and a command line interface.


  • 用户很乐意使用图形界面但是极限到达时大多数用户还是很高兴进入命令

    Users will gladly use the graphical interface, but, when its limitation is reached, many still happily drop down into the command line.


  • 这些发布步骤可以用户界面启动命令脚本启动

    These publishing steps could be initiated from the user interface or scripted from the command line.


  • 基于浏览器用户界面命令界面配置日志收集功能得到了增强,可以改进问题判断

    The log collection capabilities, configurable from both the browser-based user interface and the command line interface, are enhanced for improved problem determination.


  • DB2CLP可以 DB2命令调用通过命令脚本调用,甚至通过图形用户界面来调用。

    The DB2 CLP can be invoked from the DB2 command line, through command scripts, and even through a graphical user interface.


  • MTK命令界面(CLI)可以替代图形用户界面(GUI)来调用MTK。

    The MTK command line interface (CLI) offers an alternative to the graphical user interface (GUI) method of invoking MTK.


  • WebSphereApplicationServer一个命令命名空间转储实用工具但是希望使用图形较多用户友好界面

    There is a command line namespace dump utility in WebSphere Application Server, but I want a more graphical and user-friendly interface.


  • 回到命令基于字符菜单时代,那时界面通常间接地用户提供服务

    Back in the days of command lines and character-based menus, interfaces indirectly offered services to users.


  • 3种访问DBaaS主要方法通过图形用户界面(GUI)、命令界面(CLI)直接通过一个标准具象状态传输(REST)接口

    There are three main methods of accessing DBaaS: through a graphical user interface (GUI), command line interface (CLI), or directly via a standard representational state transfer (REST) interface.


  • StereoCable用户界面/命令行界面这个软件实体用于操作VM插头插座信息以及显示它们之间的关系。

    StereoCable User Interface/Command-Line Interface: The software entity used to work with VMs, plug and socket information, and which displays their inter-relationships.


  • 专栏文章中发布第一项目XM (XSLTMake)时,我无法包括正确的用户界面(只有命令行界面)。

    When I released the first project in this column, XM (XSLT Make), I failed to include a proper user interface (it only has a command-line interface).


  • 没有找到用户界面配置文件请检查命令参数开关

    The user interface scheme file was not found. Check your command line switches.


  • SolutionsDesign称,在应用程序需要代码便可激活ormProfiler而且用户界面命令激活它。

    According to Solutions Design, only one line of code is required to activate ORM Profiler within an application, and it can be activated from their UI or from the command line.


  • 手工的:一个用户发起批处理过程通常通过用户界面命令界面

    Manual: a user-activated batch process, typically executed through a UI or a command line interface.


  • ODFValidator两种用户界面命令行界面Web 界面

    The ODF Validator has two user interfaces, the command-line interface and the Web interface.


  • ODFValidator两种用户界面命令行界面Web 界面

    The ODF Validator has two user interfaces, the command-line interface and the Web interface.


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