Using multivariate linear analysis, a heat transfer equation from the experiment results was suggested for engineering application.
Finally, a linear model is established to forecast diurnal NEE through variance analysis and multiple linear regression methods.
Based on this, forecast model for slope stability was studied by multivariate linear regression and BP neural network methods, and the results were compared with those by limit equilibrium method.
Nonloss storage experiments were performed to a cryogenic vessel filled with liquid nitrogen, and a multivariate linearity regression analysis and check to the experimental data was also done.
依据鄱阳湖地区1949 ~ 2002年耕地面积和社会经济统计数据,运用主成分分析和多元线性回归模型等统计方法分析该地区耕地面积变化的驱动因素。
Based on statistical data of cultivated land and social and economic factors from 1949 to 2002 in Poyang Lake region, this paper discusses the driving forces by multi-variable statistical method.
This paper presents the prediction of Si content of molten iron by adopting methods of multivariate linear regression and neural networks.
Thus, the basic principle and specific procedure for the making regression method is described. It can provide as a reference for the manager engaged in the work quota management.
Methods: Using an online questionnaire survey to collect 263 valid questionnaires, exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used for data analysis.
Quantitative inversion model of soil moisture content was carried out by using the stepwise multiple linear regression and exponential analysis.
方法将15 5例OSAHS患者的各项身体测量参数和多导睡眠图(PSG)检测参数进行多元线性回归与相关分析。
Methods The measured body parameters and polysomnography(PSG)parameters of 155 patients with OSAHS entered into multiple linear regression analysis to correlate with apnea hyponea index (AHI).
Based on the criterion of deviation squares sum, a general forecasting equation is set up by using goal programming. It has advantages over the analysis of multi-variable linear regression.
Then we evaluated the trends of sleep quality change in different time points using mixed effect linear model method based on repeat measurement data.
This paper, firstly analyzes the affect caused by the uncertainty, then studies the statistics and time series based method for spectrographic oil data processing and wear diagnosis. An example …
One-way analysis, minimum bias procedures and multiple regressions have been widely used in non-life classification rating.
One-way analysis, minimum bias procedures and multiple regressions have been widely used in non-life classification rating.