I poke her in the stomach and she curls up like a hedgehog, giggling.
You're now the spokesperson for all things "crunchy" (including Waldorf education, which makes you giggle, and vegetarianism, which makes you crave pork chops).
The photographer, a bachelor in his late thirties, watched the three girls giggle and was moved by something in the girls' faces that was beyond their understanding.
As they giggled, Gonzaga's voice came over the intercom, announcing the end of the session.
一群咯咯傻笑,可能还未成年的头脑简单的漂亮女孩,她们在扎克伯格位于加利福尼亚州帕罗奥图(PaloAlto, Calif)的夏季公寓的沙发上吸食大麻,玩电子游戏。
The giggling, possibly underaged bimbos who do bong hits and play video games on the couch of Zuckerberg's summer rental in Palo Alto, Calif.
一群咯咯傻笑,可能还未成年的头脑简单的漂亮女孩,她们在扎克伯格位于加利福尼亚州帕罗奥图(PaloAlto, Calif)的夏季公寓的沙发上吸食大麻,玩电子游戏。
The giggling, possibly underaged bimbos who do bong hits and play video games on the couch of Zuckerberg's summer rental in Palo Alto, Calif.