• 2000年,在《哈佛杂志》上刊登了一则广告。

    In 2000, she put an ad in Harvard Magazine.


  • 篇文章1960年首先哈佛商业评论》上发表,这本杂志一个编辑

    This paper was first published in 1960 in the Harvard Business Review; a journal of which he was an editor.


  • 哈佛大学德克萨斯大学研究员当期《自然杂志上发表报告用进化解释了这一问题

    And that, report researchers from Harvard University and the University of Texas in the current issue of the journal Nature, is where evolution enters the story.


  • 美国化学界发言人细胞出版社告诉自然新闻杂志他们哈佛制度没有足够了解,因而不能作出评论。

    Spokespeople from the American Chemical Society and Cell Press told Nature News that they didn't yet know enough about Harvard's policy to comment on it.


  • 根据哈佛医学院哈佛法学院以及艾奥瓦州立大学研究人员研究得出的结论,这项研究刚刚发布网上计划刊登八月美国医学杂志》上。

    That’s according to a study by researchers at Harvard Med, Harvard Law and Ohio University just published online and scheduled for the August issue of the American Journal of Medicine.


  • 这篇文章刊登当年哈佛商业评论刊上,成为杂志自创立以来畅销的文章之一

    Their 1990 Harvard Business Review article on core competencies (see article) is one of that magazine's bestselling articles of all time.


  • 这个数据来源于哈佛大学医学院、法学院俄亥俄大学科研人员们一项联合研究,他们刚刚把结果公布网络上,也计划刊载八月发行的《美国医学杂志》上。

    That's according to a study by researchers at Harvard Med, Harvard Law and Ohio University just published online and scheduled for the August issue of the American Journal of Medicine.


  • 今年44岁的米歇尔·巴马登上《时尚杂志入选《名利场》杂志2008年度全球最佳穿着名人榜。米歇尔曾就读于普林斯顿大学哈佛大学,现名律师

    Obama, 44, is a Princeton and Harvard educated lawyer who has appeared in Vogue and was named on Vanity Fair's 2008 International Best Dressed List.


  • 这项哈佛大学研究发表周三科学杂志plos One上面,研究发现在被指认为朋友的人中,流感出现要比随机挑选的人两个星期

    In the Harvard study, published Wednesday in the scientific journal PLoS One, the flu developed about two weeks earlier in the friend group than in the randomly selected group.


  • Hearst是一名百万富翁矿业工程师儿子1885年哈佛注册担任哈佛大学幽默杂志Harvard Lampoon的首任商业经理

    Hearst, the son of millionaire mining engineer George Hearst, enrolled at Harvard in 1885 and acted as the first business manager of the Harvard Lampoon, the school's humor publication.


  • 320日发表于《科学》(Science)杂志一项研究中,来自哈佛大学的研究者们让一些大学生进行5分钟的“闪电”约会

    In a study in the March 20th issue of the journal Science, researchers at Harvard had undergraduates go on five-minute speed dates.


  • 一边做研究一边一家杂志,《哈佛公民权利- - -公民自由法律评论撰写文章

    He researched and wrote articles for a magazine, the Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review.


  • 喜爱驾驶直升机的超级大黑马,Sebastián Piñera拥有哈佛大学经济学博士学位,并且智利最有钱商人之一(据《富比杂志称其身价超越十亿美元)。

    A hyperachiever who pilots his own helicopter, Mr Piñera has a Harvard doctorate in economics and is one of Chile’s richest businessmen (he is said by Forbes magazine to be worth $1 billion).


  • 英国约克大学美国哈佛医学院联合神经科学杂志刊登研究论文称,睡眠能够修学习能力和记忆能力。

    A new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience by researchers at the University of York and Harvard Medical School suggests that sleep may help to do both.


  • 哈佛杂志上,可以找到有关这项研究好的介绍

    You can find a good introduction to this research in Harvard Magazine.


  • 发表神经杂志》上这项研究报告,哈佛大学研究人员努力研究工作一部分,目的是弄明白衰老有关的、正常人脑退化临床损伤之间的区别。

    The study, published in the journal Neuron, is part of an effort by researchers at Harvard University to understand the difference between normal, age-related declines and clinical impairment.


  • 哈佛弗吉尼亚大学同事共同发表一个论文如果带给快乐很可能是因为你没地方》(“消费者心理学”杂志下期发表)。

    Her own take on the subject is in a paper she wrote with colleagues at Harvard and the University of Virginia: "If Money Doesn't Make You Happy Then You Probably Aren't Spending It Right."


  • 哈佛年夜学安德娜·沙赫内跟同事们天才鹦鹉进行了相干探讨,探讨结果同样公告当代生物学》杂志上。

    Adena Schachner of Harvard University and her colleagues have also been studying this psittacine prodigy and they, too, have just published their findings in Current Biology.


  • 哈佛女性健康杂志建议如果礼拜缺少了10个小时睡眠时间,周末以及接下来礼拜内

    Harvard Women's Health Watch suggests if you've missed 10 hours of sleep over one week, make up for it over the weekend and the following week.


  • 告诉哈佛商学院应用知识杂志:“失败即标准。”

    He told the publication HBS Working Knowledge: "Failure is the norm."


  • 这个研究哈佛医学院同事一起合作完成,论文发表2007年6月9号科学杂志

    The study, which is coauthored by colleagues at Harard Medical School, is published in the June 9, 2007, issue of the journal Science.


  • 这个研究哈佛医学院同事一起合作完成,论文发表2007年6月9号科学杂志

    The study, which is coauthored by colleagues at Harard Medical School, is published in the June 9, 2007, issue of the journal Science.


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