• 响应方法是地下复杂结构稳定可靠性分析有效方法之一。

    Response surface method(RSM)is an efficient method to analyze the stability reliability degree for complicated structure, such as underground structure.


  • 采用响应方法唾液链球菌嗜热亚种增殖培养基进行了优化

    Response surface method was used to optimize the MRS-based enrichment medium of s.


  • 响应面方法计算位移设计变量莫尔积分方法近似进行了对比。

    The sensitivity of displacement with respect to design variables was compared to the approximate explicit form given by Mohr integration.


  • 提出响应方法和非线性有限元分析结合起来桥梁上部结构体系可靠度进行分析方法

    A new method aiming to incorporate the response surface method into the computation of system reliability for composite Bridges is proposed in this paper.


  • 基于不同样本数响应面方法寻求最佳设计大致相同区域而且CFD分析结果相比误差很小。

    The optimum design points with RSM based on different samples are almost in the same area and there is little error compared with the CFD result.


  • 采用响应面方法实验结果进行分析处理,响应面方法进行数据处理获取有效应力系数ESCK适应性进行了分析评价;

    We analyze the experimental data using the response-surface method, and demonstrate the application of the response-surface method which is used to gain the ESCK.


  • 应用响应回归分析方法评价了不同磷酸盐贻贝感官质量影响

    The response surface method was used to evaluate the effects of phosphates on the mussel sensory quality.


  • 本文运用SAS软件中的二响应回归聚类分析方法研究抑郁症临床症状事件相关电位之间相互关系。

    In this paper, we study the correlativity between depressive clinical symptoms and event related potentials by the methods of response surface and cluster analysis in SAS.


  • 采用渐进崩溃计算船体总纵极限强度响应法与传统可靠性计算方法相结合进行船体总纵极限强度可靠性分析

    Progressive collapse method is used to calculate ship ultimate hull girder strength and the combination of surface response method and traditional method is utilized to analyse reliability.


  • 响应分析方法链霉菌702产抑真菌物质生料发酵培养基进行了研究。

    The response surface method was used to optimize the culture medium for anti-fungus compound produced by Streptomyces 702 under unsterilized condition.


  • 提出了二次序列响应分析重力坝可靠度的方法

    A method to analyze reliability of gravity DAMS using the second order sequence response surface method is described.


  • 根据参数研究结果,提出了猜测墙体变形路径方法,同时建立了猜测墙体最大变形土体最大沉降响应面

    Parametric studies have been carried out to study the excavation behavior with respect to wall deflection, soil settlement and apparent pressure.


  • 方法能够方便地计算接触非线性摩擦力考虑响应次谐波以及叶片阶振型影响

    This method can calculate the nonlinear friction force conveniently and can consider the effects of the blade high modes and the high harmonics of the blade responses.


  • 分析通过神经网络来实现响应模型构建方法

    The construction of response surface models by the artificial neural network is analyzed.


  • 采用响应分析方法研究螺杆转速机筒温度物料水分质量分数挤出物de影响规律。

    The response surface methodology was used to study the influences of screw speed, barrel temperature, material moisture and enzyme mass fraction on DE values.


  • 一方爆法仍然地下工程开挖主要施工方法围岩动态荷载作用下振动响应也是一个不可忽视的问题。

    On the other hand, drilling and blasting are main construction method of the underground project excavation, it can't be ignored that the vibration response of surrounding rocks on dynamical loads.


  • 为了提高数值计算效率准确性提出了基于多级响应确定翼梢小翼气动外形参数的一种优化方法

    In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the numerical calculation for the aerodynamic design of winglets, an optimization method based on multi-level response surfaces is proposed.


  • 对于复杂非线性隐式极限状态方程结构可靠度计算方法传统二次响应误差精度

    For structural reliability analysis of complex nonlinear implicit limit state equation, this method had lower error and higher precision than the traditional quadratic response surface method.


  • 方法多酚含量指标,采用响应主要工艺参数进行优化得到回归模型

    Method: Response surface analysis was conducted for optimizing the main technical parameters with the content of total polyphenol as index, and received the regression model.


  • 通过上述工作,得到以下主要结论:1蒙特卡罗响应计算工程结构可靠重要方法

    The research mainly includes the following contents:1. The Monte Carlo Method and the Response Surface Method are two important methods used for calculating the degree of reliability.


  • 针对可靠计算问题极限状态函数比较复杂为隐式的情况,提出一种基于支持向量回归响应可靠度计算方法

    On the complicated or implicit limit state functions in the reliability problems, a response surface method for reliability computation based on Support Vector Regression (SVR) is presented.


  • 现有的无响应控制方法存在某些缺陷,如通信代价过高或者适用过于狭窄。

    Methods for unresponsive flow regulation either have high communication costs or have very narrow applications.


  • 研究工作中实现一般基于响应面代理模型两者协同优化方法,并通过一个简单数学算例其进行初步对比分析。

    Through the study we implement two types of CO formulations, one is the typical CO and the other is the based-surrogate model CO.


  • 文章介绍了结构可靠性研究响应背景,重点阐述了蒙特卡罗响应法两种计算结构可靠度的方法

    And the structure reliability's background is introduced. The Monte Carlo Method and the Response Surface Method are mainly expatiated in this paper.


  • 改进响应计算过程经典方法简单适用,工作量较小,具有理论意义工程应用前景。

    Calculation process of the IRSM was much more simple and its efficiency was much higher than classical RSM.


  • 经过神经网络响应检验,证明TAA方法一种实用而又有效风险概率计算方法

    Verified by network response surface, TAA was improved to be an applied and valid method of calculating the risk occurrence probability.


  • 表明响应超声辅助提取优化磷脂脂肪酸工艺研究方法简便可靠

    The response surface methodology used for the optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction conditions of PLFAs from forest soil was simple and reliable.


  • 表明响应超声辅助提取优化磷脂脂肪酸工艺研究方法简便可靠

    The response surface methodology used for the optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction conditions of PLFAs from forest soil was simple and reliable.


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