他的第一次商业投机 完全失败 了。
This is quite understandable, given the uncertainties that haunt any commercial venture.
In any business venture, there are always unforeseen factors that can affect the profitability of a business.
You will also help me to a place were the money will be establish a more profitable business venture in your Country.
With the advent of entrepreneurial ventures, nothing in a way has changed; only new suppliers have come onboard in this commerce.
The rapid rise in the number of children diagnosed with autism over the last few decades, has led to a great deal of speculation as to the cause.
Gambling, business rush, and excitement, particularly on the exchanges, are causes of much mass reduction, all the more so because the individuals concerned represent units of higher value.
Not all risks lend themselves to being covered by insurance. Broadly speaking, the ordinary risks of business and speculation cannot be covered.
The practice has sparked a speculative scramble to register unused names and test their ad potential.
The central bank will also require commercial Banks to stop lending to property developers who hoard land and house for speculation purposes, according to the source.
A lawful business enterprise is an organisation that operates lawfully in a commercial environment with the goal of returning a profit and is not set up primarily for passive or speculative purposes.
正是这一逻辑,确保了美国《1933年银行法》(USBankingAct of 1933)做出明确隔离吸收存款的商业银行与投机性投行业务的规定。
It was this logic that ensured a clear separation in the us banking Act of 1933 between deposit-taking commercial Banks and the speculative investment banking business.
通过分析货币危机中远期外汇市场参与者——投机者、商业银行和中央银行的行为 ,阐明投机性冲击的一般机制 ,并以泰铢汇率变动经验进行验证 ,进而提出对策建议。
The paper explains the mechanics of speculative attacks by analyzing the behavior of participants of forward foreign exchange market, which is tested by the experience of Baht.
Mr Richter's complex body of work also has a "learning curve", Mr Meier says, that has kept out speculators looking for more blatantly commercial painting.
Mr Richter's complex body of work also has a "learning curve", Mr Meier says, that has kept out speculators looking for more blatantly commercial painting.