I'm captain of the cheerleading squad, and Dad can't come to one game.
If football is so exciting, why does it take cheerleaders to excite the crowd?
As the University cheering team captain, she has always been involved crest of wave, loved deeply by boys.
Do you find it surprising that so many of your colleagues were once cheerleaders?
When they were reunited, male and female cheerleaders for the first time added strength to their enthusiasm.
His fertile effervescent mind; scintillating personality; sparkling conversation; a row of sparkly cheerleaders.
Of course, men were the first cheerleaders, in fact for the first half of the nineteen hundreds, yell leaders were on playing fields everywhere.
Massive rusty cranes, foreign investors, and the joyful chants of cheerleaders carry the dream of a great nuclear future.
My point is simply this: if our monetary system were really as strong, robust, and beyond criticism as its cheerleaders claim, why does it need to rely so heavily on public ignorance?
All of us needs a few cheerleaders in our lives to remind us of our redeemable qualities or else we will begin to believe our negative co-workers.
我十来岁的儿子在找到贝辛格(H.G. Bissinger)的《胜利之光》(FridayNight Lights)和里克 · 莱利(RickReilly)现场体育赛事报道专栏的合集《啦啦队长的仇恨信件》(Hate Mailfrom Cheerleaders)之后,就把手机扔到了一边。
Our teenage son put his text-messaging aside when he discovered “Friday Night Lights, ” by H.G. Bissinger, and “Hate Mail from Cheerleaders, ” a collection of Rick Reilly’s spot-on sports columns.
我十来岁的儿子在找到贝辛格(H.G. Bissinger)的《胜利之光》(FridayNight Lights)和里克 · 莱利(RickReilly)现场体育赛事报道专栏的合集《啦啦队长的仇恨信件》(Hate Mailfrom Cheerleaders)之后,就把手机扔到了一边。
Our teenage son put his text-messaging aside when he discovered “Friday Night Lights, ” by H.G. Bissinger, and “Hate Mail from Cheerleaders, ” a collection of Rick Reilly’s spot-on sports columns.