• 喧闹摇滚乐直往我们耳朵里钻。

    Loud rock music assaulted our ears.


  • 喧闹吵得大家都睡不着

    The noise was keeping everyone awake.


  • 农民们在组织总部举行了一次喧闹和平抗议活动

    The farmers staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the headquarters of the organization.


  • 它们喧闹逐渐变为整齐划一的、带有威胁性的吼叫,还夹杂着刺耳的狂吠。

    Their noise modulated to a concerted menacing growl punctuated by sharp yaps.


  • 几个愤怒示威者窗下发起喧闹的抗议活动。随后他的邻居们就坚持要加强安保措施

    Some months ago angry demonstrators mounted a noisy demonstration beneath his window. His neighbours thereupon insisted upon more security.


  • 科学博物馆不同因为那里喧闹的。

    But the science museum is different because it's noisy!


  • 我们夜间喧闹吵醒了。

    We were woken up by noises in the night.


  • 他们过道出来时,喧闹简直震耳欲聋。

    The noise, as they emerged from the passage, was simply deafening.


  • 西班牙办公室英国的办公室喧闹

    A Spanish office is more noisy than an English office.


  • 街上喧闹呐喊声喇叭声震耳欲聋

    In the street, there was such a racket, such shouting, such blowing of trumpets, that it was deafening.


  • 真是喧闹家庭

    What a noisy family!


  • 宴会厅喧闹如此他们可能人听到

    Such a tremendous noise was going on in the banqueting-hall that there was little danger of their being overheard.


  • 我们预计明年这个时候,云相关的喧闹将变成真正的咆哮

    We expect the din of the cloud-related chatter to turn into a real roar by this time next year.


  • 猎人蓄意破坏者之间喧闹对峙已经变得如此普遍以至于它们几乎猎狐一样,都是狩猎一部分

    Noisy confrontations between hunters and saboteurs have become so common that they are almost as much a part of hunting as the pursuit of foxes itself.


  • 喧闹音乐敞开窗口传出。

    Music blared out from the open window.


  • 街角传来乐人喧闹刺耳爵士乐

    Musicians blast their brassy jazz from street corners.


  • 学生堤上喧闹欢呼

    The students on the grass bank cheered noisily.


  • 小孩子座花园里嬉戏喧闹

    Dogs and little children romped happily in the garden.


  • 听到一阵喧闹便看看发生什么事情。

    I heard a commotion and went to see what was happening.


  • 他们竭力自己的声音盖过人群喧闹

    They tried to make themselves heard over the din of the crowd.


  • 地方是个喧闹之地。

    That place is a madhouse.


  • 使馆俱乐部度过几个非常喧闹有趣夜晚

    He had spent several uproarious evenings at the Embassy Club.


  • 一千多人兴高采烈地大声谈话,场面无比喧闹

    There was a hubbub of excited conversation from over a thousand people.


  • 喧闹25000名狂热球迷格兰德中心车站欢迎球队

    A raucous crowd of 25,000 delirious fans greeted the team at Grand Central Station.


  • 除了喧闹外,帕罗奥图一百岁生日聚会实际上被设计一个简朴实惠的活动。

    Despite all the hoopla, Palo Alto's 100th birthday party is actually designed to be a simple, down-to-earth affair.


  • 这个居室雅致书房能够大家庭娱乐室相毗邻的小餐厅厨房喧闹提供一份静谧。

    The elegant study in this 4-bedroom home provides quiet privacy from the big family room and adjoining dinette and kitchen.


  • 厅里充满了喧闹声和笑声。

    The living room was full of shouts and laughter.


  • 是三月的一个下午,街上很喧闹

    It was a March afternoon in a busy street.


  • 一天,当我走在街上时,我听到一曲优美的钢琴曲在人群的喧闹声中响起。

    One day, while I was walking on the street, I heard that a beautiful piece piano music playing above the noise of the people.


  • 办公室喧闹

    No shouting or running in the office.


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