I hope all of us can be as generous and elect to become organ donors.
Yancey had been on the organ donation waiting list for two years.
These people are willing to donate their organs for use after death.
Thus, I want to appeal everyone join the group of donating organ.
Your spare parts would be made to order in a kind of limb donor kebab shop.
He complained that California doesn't do enough to encourage people to become organ donors.
Until the organ donation system truly established, is certainly less and less.
So I hope all of us can be as generous and elect to become organ donors.
Organ transplantation relies on organ donation, which is an 'altruistic behavior'.
Less frequently, it is due to infection through blood transfusion, vertical transmission (from infected mother to child) or organ donation.
Asking this one simple question may double the number of transplant organs available in California — one simple question.
It will simply require the DMV to ask you if you'd like to become an organ donor.
"We need to check the medical institutions' standard operating procedures (SOP) for organ donations and transplants," Wang said.
Since the organ donation from prisoners sentenced to death is diminishing, efforts need to be made to expand the donor pool from other sources.
All I can say if that you've signed your organ donor card, I wouldn't go driving in New Jersey.
However the Organ donation Taskforce said that evidence from across the world indicated that such a plan would not improve donation rates.
A cultural belief in witchcraft has wider implications for Africans as well, from law enforcement to aid donations to public health.
The us has an "opt-in" organ donation system in which one must give consent in order to be designated a donor.
White House officials say more than 120,000 people in the United States are on a donor waiting list, with the vast majority of those needing a kidney.
Over the past 28 years, it has been read or heard by millions worldwide.He also helped to bring the issue of organ and tissue donation into the public consciousness.
它同时还将要求所有加州司机 在更新驾驶执照时决定自己是否愿意成为一名器官捐献者。
The bill will also require California drivers to decide whether they want to be organ donors when they renew their drivers' licenses.
The writer views human beings donating a body organ to others and the sentinel meerkat's behavior as pure altruism. The speaker, on the other hand, sees differently.
Taiwan's health authorities say they are investigating a case of "critical medical negligence" that led to five patients receiving organs from an HIV-positive donor.
The 17-year-old boy, identified by his surname, "Zheng", said that he had sold the kidney after spotting an online advertisement offering cash to the organ donor.
The vast majority of Americans (86%, according to one poll) say they support organ donation. But only 20% actually sign up to do it.
The vast majority of Americans (86%, according to one poll) say they support organ donation. But only 20% actually sign up to do it.