• 第一演进中(I1),初始阶段全面的(四个星期)。

    In the first evolution (I1), the Inception iteration was comprehensive (four weeks long).


  • 全面讨论四个特性类别Web服务、Web应用程序、企业应用程序以及管理安全性

    I'll give you a comprehensive look at four feature categories: Web services, Web application, enterprise, and management and security.


  • 论文分为四个部分一部分主要几个主要名词界定、理论的主要内容、研究方法研究内容进行全面概述

    Thesis is divided into four parts, the first part of the main terms of the definition of several major, the main elements of theory, research methods, the study conducted a comprehensive overview.


  • 太玄乎了!瞎子,把一个大象给活活摸成了四种样子,我们时常拿这个道理去教育别人看问题要全面

    Just like the four blind people who describe elephant in four ways through touching.


  • 研究通过四个试验全面研究了微生物E蛋白对仔猪营养效应

    The nutritional effects of the microbe E protein was comprehensively determined in this study by four experiments.


  • 全面成本管理大致分为四个阶段

    The comprehensive cost management divides into four stages approximately.


  • 主要利润来源方面企业进行全面考虑提出四个利润来源

    I put forward four profit sources considering main profit source of enterprises.


  • 本文侵占对象非法占为已有、拒不退还以及相关问题四个部分进行系统全面地论述

    This thesis paper will have a systematic and overall discussion on four parts: the object of the crime of seizure, the illegal seizure, the resistance to return, and the relevant problems.


  • 全面分析了浙江省蚕茧质量现状影响茧质的方面因素提出了提高蚕茧质量的四条措施

    Comprehensive analyses are made on Zhejiang's current cocoon quality and factors affecting the quality, with four improvement measures proposed.


  • 本文采用较全面包括四个寄生双极晶体管和MOS管的模型,详细分析瞬态辐照CMOS相器的闩锁效应

    In this paper, a new lumped elements latchup model consisting of four bipolar transistors is used to analyze the latchup effect of CMOS inverters in transient radiation environment.


  • 此基础文章选人育人用人角度,在四个方面进行具体全面分析提出管理对策

    Based on the principle of "selecting, educating, and employing", the paper analyses the issue concretely and comprehensively from the four aspects, and carry out some management strategies.


  • 正文分为部分展开论述课题提出对理论问题的全面分析,最终归结到对实践研究

    Exposition in Body part are divided into four small parts, from the putting forward of the topic to complete analyses, ending up with the study of practice.


  • 文中车队驾驶员车辆调度安全四个方面入手全面分析了车队管理方方面面

    This article from the motorcade pilot, the vehicles, the dispatcher, the safe four aspects obtains, has comprehensively analyzed the aspects which the motorcade manages.


  • 作者历时研究化大光明公司经营现状,经营战略进行了全面分析

    The author had studied on the business practices of Huada Guangming Company for four months and made an overall analysis on its business strategy.


  • 第二部分,围绕刑事赔偿归责原则、刑事赔偿的确认机制、刑事赔偿范围、刑事赔偿的标准四个方面对刑事赔偿问题进行了较为全面的探讨。

    In part two, focusing on the principles of imputation, confirmation mechanism, scope, and criteria of Criminal Justice Compensation, the author has comprehensively examined these questions.


  • 为了全面研究电子签名法律效力一关键问题,本文分四个部分对电子签名的法律效力问题进行详细探讨

    To discuss the legal effects of electronic signature sufficiently, in this dissertation, four relative aspects will be studied in details.


  • 目前四个平台已经全面启动,已经荷兰社会引起了积极反响

    So far, the four platforms have already been started up on all fronts, and begin to get positive feedbacks from the Dutch community.


  • 以下四个全球受名流追捧度假胜地,它们不仅拥有得天独厚的地理位置全面服务而且私密性方面也有保证。

    Here are four resorts popular amongst the world's greatest stars not only for their beautiful locations and their wide range of services but also for their tranquility and discretion.


  • 通过文献资料以及多年实践探索,全面分析现代篮球教学训练中的动作技术特征指出篮球运动教学、训练中,假动作技术具有四个特征、三个合一二个统一。

    This paper analyses the technical characteristics of feints in modern basketball teaching practice and points out its characteristic, combination and unity in basketball game teaching practice.


  • 遵循四个简单步骤实行全面彻底保护PC机

    Follow these four simple steps and you will have implemented comprehensive and complete protection for your PC.


  • 本文“同”、“近”、“”、“转”为切入点全面考察了书使用四个训诂术语归纳它们表现形式,对它们之间的音义关系进行描述,概括出它们的功能

    We take them as a starting point and oberve and study the examples of them in TongYa in an overall way. We sum up their expressive forms, the relation of speech and the functions.


  • 论文楼宇电气全面质量管理案例四个部分进行深入研究。

    This paper TQM of building electrical case-depth study in four parts.


  • 本文西尔论》蓝本,四个部分对“人性论”进行全面剖析

    This essay considers Cassirer's an essay on man as original version and makes an overall analysis in four directions of his Theory of Human Nature.


  • 本文通过四个部分对旅游消费者权益法律保护问题进行全面分析

    Based on the four-part legal protection of rights and interests of consumers Tourism conducted a comprehensive analysis.


  • 文章财政机制、财政体制、财政政策以及外生因素四个方面比较全面分析了我国经济转轨时期的财政风险状况。

    The article analyzes the economic financial risk in the period of transition from the financial mechanism, financial system, financial policy and external factors.


  • 供应链中企业质量管理的宏观模式包括全面质量关系、供应商关系顾客关系和全面质量管理四个要素;

    The macro-model of supply chain quality management includes four strategic factors: total quality relationship, supplier partnership, customer partnership and total quality management;


  • 正文分为四个部分一部分系统全面音乐教学模式进行理论探究界定

    The text is divided into four parts, the first part defines and inquires into the music teaching models systematically and theoretically;


  • 听力理解过程可以分为四个阶段全面培养听力技能必须针对各个阶段的特点提出相应的方法。

    And these studies also indicate that there are four phases in the process of listening comprehension, and we should offer different ped…


  • 平衡记分卡财务客户内部流程学习成长四个角度对组织绩效进行考核,强调了绩效考核的战略性全面、平衡性发展性。

    From financial, customers, internal business process, learning and growth, BSC evaluates the performance of the organization, emphasizes its strategic, comprehensiveness and growth.


  • 平衡记分卡财务客户内部流程学习成长四个角度对组织绩效进行考核,强调了绩效考核的战略性全面、平衡性发展性。

    From financial, customers, internal business process, learning and growth, BSC evaluates the performance of the organization, emphasizes its strategic, comprehensiveness and growth.


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