• 有些CEO并不认同(关于债务规定因为他们不想改变他们生意

    Some of the chief executives are not OK with the chance of new regulations [on debt] because they don't want to change their business.


  • 做出这次妥协是因为上周进行欧洲银行压力测试,在91家银行只有7没有通过,因为规定松弛,所以没能让它们中的大部分筹集资产

    This dispiriting compromise followed the European stress tests last week, which only seven Banks out of 91 failed since the rules were too lax to force most of them into raising new capital.


  • 但是这项规定遭到了批评,因为没有包括那些忽视此项规定的人做出惩处

    But the new rules have been criticised because they do not include punishments for those who choose to ignore them.


  • 一些校长抱怨参数表公平,因为戈夫标准相关考试设置完毕才规定的。

    Some head teachers complain that the new tables are unfair, because Mr Gove's criteria were devised after the relevant exams had been sat.


  • 然而法规却帮不了扎贾里,因为规定的是开除与明确提到停课

    In Zachary's case, the state's new law did not help because it mentions only expulsion and does not explicitly address suspensions.


  • 因为法院规定他们不能提高租金,于是其所有者谋划偷偷大幅提高租金扩充现金流。

    The new owners’ plan to boost cashflow by hiking rents ran aground after a court ruled that they weren’t allowed to.


  • 一个君主专制体制工作从中获利,因为后者可以颁布法令规定赋税应当银行Banque Générale记名股票形式交付。

    Law had the benefit of working for an absolute monarchy which could decree that taxes should be paid in the form of notes issued by his new bank, Banque Générale.


  • 伊比利亚地区对证券规定比较宽松许多最好的采购都是来自此地。喜欢那里因为她的兄弟在此地。

    New Iberia has very lenient security regulations, many of her best picks come from new Iberia, and she likes travel there, because her brother lives there.


  • 因为规定周前开始实行所以不清楚美国电脑公司是否遵守

    With only one week before the new rules are to go into effect, it is unclear if American computer companies will comply.


  • 警告说公司应该急于规定强制性每日反思时间因为这样可能反而时间紧张的工作者增加压力。

    Companies shouldn't rush to institute mandatory reflection time each day, Ms. Glomb warns, since that could just add another stressor for time-crunched workers.


  • 然而这位主帅依然反对这项规定因为相信可能危害到英超足球实力

    However the manager is still against the new squad rules as he believes it could compromise the quality of football in England's top flight.


  • 温格认为转会动作因为条即将在下赛季生效的英超规定受到限制

    Arsene Wenger believes his transfer market manoeuvres will be restricted by a new Premier League regulation that comes into force next season.


  • 规定禁止俱乐部一次性付款球员因为球员可能钱付给经纪人

    These prohibit clubs from making one-off payments to players which they then use to pay their agent's fees.


  • 爆发小儿痲痹疫情国家会面臨更大国际力來敦促他们快速采取因应行动,因为世界卫生会议通过一项规定各国因应方式决议案

    Countries where outbreaks occur will see greater international pressure to act fast because of a new resolution passed by the World Health Assembly that dictates how countries should respond.


  • 基辛解释道:“这个因为这个公寓规定九点之后不准琴,现在已经七点了。”

    "The reason for my asking, " he continues, "is that our building has a new regulation: we are prohibited to practice after 9pm, and it's already seven o'clock.


  • 赵一鹤表示规定带来短期混乱因为电视台需要谈判本月刚刚拍卖出去的插播广告

    Mr Zhao said the new regulations would create short term chaos as TV networks renegotiate advertising slots that were auctioned off as recently as this month.


  • 福特汽车信贷部门曾暂停发行资产抵押债券因为信贷评级机构害怕承担多德·弗兰克法案所规定责任禁止评级机构意见写入债券发行文件

    Ford Motor's credit arm pulled an asset-backed bond deal because credit-rating agencies, fearful of new liabilities under the Dodd-Frank act, forbid the use of their opinions in the deal document.


  • 福特汽车信贷部门曾暂停发行资产抵押债券因为信贷评级机构害怕承担多德·弗兰克法案所规定责任禁止评级机构意见写入债券发行文件

    Ford Motor's credit arm pulled an asset-backed bond deal because credit-rating agencies, fearful of new liabilities under the Dodd-Frank act, forbid the use of their opinions in the deal document.


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