Critics point out that there are risks inherent in nanotechnology.
But critics point out that there are risks inherent in nanotechnology.
Which of the following presents an inherent risk with no distinct identificable preventive controls?
Finally, the method of weighted mean is used to calculate the inherent risk ratio of the audit.
Risks sof material misstatement at assertion level can be further sub-divided into inherent risks and control risks.
It can be classified into inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.
A framework of emergency incident risk indexes was established to quantitatively assess the local comprehensive emergency inherent risk.
According to its forming reasons, audit risk can be divided into inherent risk, control risk and inspection risk.
Because the controls have been working so well, the managers mistakenly believe that the inherent risk no longer exists.
To minimize the inherent risk of well repairs, the intelligent diagnosis if what is wrong with the well, coupled with a sound repair plane is essential.
The results showed that the local emergency inherent risk level is different in China, which distribution is "west high, east low".
To improve the information distortion of accounts receivable, three aspects: self risk, controlling risk and checking risk should be on guard.
The three big credit-rating agencies have overhauled their methods of assessing default risk in the American subprime-mortgage market in the past month.
While there is inherent risk in doing business with anyone over a public medium like the Internet, we have implemented measures to reduce these risks.
There are three factors that affect the auditing risk under the condition of ERP, such as inherent risk, control risk and check risk.
Then this paper expounds the relations between the materiality and audit risk, and the relations among audit risk, inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.
Migrating the run time environment at the same time a major change to the code base is introduced complicates and increases the risk inherent in the process.
Audit risks include inherit risk, control risk and inspection risk have become more and more complicated and more different to control the risks of e-commerce audit.
One of the control measure is to increase the correctness of appraising and judging the regular risk and control risk of computer audit, and the other is to decrease the check risk of computer audit.
In the environment of e-business, the audit risk, including inherent risk, control risk and detection risk, become more complicated. It is harder to control thee-business audit risk.
Then obtain base-case, best-case, and worst-case NPV and calculate mean NPV and standard deviation to (roughly) estimate the magnitude of the risk inherent to the project.
It is the key for CPAs to evaluate inherent risk and control risk properly in the course of audit, only through which CPAs can conclude proper desired audit risk and minimize the cost.
In addition to the inherent operational hazards of water scooters, they are proving to be an environmental nuisance.
You should be able to support accurate planning and scheduling with the help of the architecture by analyzing the complexity and risk factors inherent in the components.
The problem with this approach is that it misses important opportunities for risk reduction.
Of course, each new media platform carries its own inherent risks in the eyes of the Church.
But guiding treatment by research requires patients to expose themselves to the uncertainties inherent in the statistical nature of research results.
But guiding treatment by research requires patients to expose themselves to the uncertainties inherent in the statistical nature of research results.