• 针对国际工程承包合同签订阶段风险进行分析。

    The risk of contract for international engineering in signing stage is analyzed.


  • 国际工程承包行业一个风险机遇共存行业。

    There were chance and risk in the international project contracting, and the risk was more severity than domestic project.


  • 我国加入WTO国际工程承包企业带来了更多机遇

    The opportunity of international engineering contractors after Chinas entry into WTO will increase.


  • 正确地分析预测防范风险国际工程承包成功关键所在

    The correct analysis, prediction of and prevention against the risks are those that are critical to the successful completion of the projects.


  • [摘要]激烈国际竞争要求国际工程承包企业管理效益

    Abstract: international engineering corporation has to improve their management degree to cope with the fierce international competition.


  • 小浪底工程索赔问题告诉我们从事国际工程承包公司必须高度重视索赔

    The claim in the Xiaolangdi project tells us that the contractor companies engaged in international projects should attach great importance to claim.


  • 近几年公司国际工程承包业务市场竞争力不断下降,企业效益降低。

    In recent years, the company found itself losing competitiveness in overseas construction project contracting business, which led to the company's sharp decline in profits.


  • 国际工程承包风险效益并存事业综合性复杂性技术含量都很高

    International project contracting is an undertaking with co-existence of high risk and benefits, which has high comprehensive, complexity and technicality.


  • 随着我国加入了WTO,越来越的优秀工程承包企业更加重视国际工程承包市场

    With the sustained deepening of China economic reformation, especially with China's accession to WTO), more and more Chinese excellent enterprises pay more attention to International Market.


  • 常用国际工程承包合同进行对比分类分析了不同合同的基本特点及其应用范围

    This paper compares and classifies the normal contracts in the international projects and analyzes the basic characteristics and application range of different contracts.


  • 针对当前国际承包商实践具体情形,对国际工程承包项目管理注意的几个因素进行分析

    In the light of the concrete situation of international contractors at present, this paper makes analysis on some notable problems in international contract project management.


  • 由于政策法规限制目前实力雄厚国际工程承包中国市场只是探索性拓展业务,市场份额很少

    Due to the limit of laws and rules, strong international contractors only expand the business primarily and enjoy low market share in China up to now.


  • 论文力图运用企业战略管理学理论方法振华公司的国际工程承包业务制定套能发挥自身优势?。

    The paper aims at making efforts to work out a specific strategy for ZhenHua's overseas construction project contracting business by using the theories and methods of Strategic Management.


  • 工程保险制度作为防范工程风除的重要手段之一,已经成为发达国家以及国际工程承包市场不可或缺一项制度。

    As an important measure against the engineering project risk, the engineering project insurance system is an indispensable component in international engineering project operations.


  • 国际工程承包一项风险性很大活动,主要存在社会风险经济风险、技术风险和管理风险四个方面的风险因素。

    There are big risks in the international project contraction, including social risk, economic risk, technological risk and administrative risk.


  • 通过实际案例验证FIDIC合同条件项目合同管理模块国际工程承包项目中相互结合应用是具有可行性

    Also, cases in practice validate the feasibility that FIDIC conditions integrate with the model of project contract management in International Engineering project.


  • 本文我国国际工程承包企业如何面对加入WTO带来机遇挑战,如何大力发展我国国际工程承包事业进行了探讨

    This paper discusses about how Chinese contractors face the challenge and opportunity of international engineering contractors after Chinas entry into WTO.


  • 最后本文提出一些对我国国际工程承包企业具有普遍指导意义项目风险管理建议对全文的主要研究成果进行总结

    Finally some Suggestions that are instrumental in international project contract enterprises have been put forward and a summary has been made of what has been studied in the present thesis.


  • 违约国际工程承包中经常出现现象,对一问题这部分主要分析了各国违约制度规定国际工程承包违约具体形态以及违约形态的例外条款。

    Section two makes an analysis of the contract defaulting forms, which intends to analyze its institutions, its concrete forms and its exception provisions in international engineering contracting.


  • 但是风险利润往往是并存的,国际工程承包市场存在着丰厚的利润,因此如何规避国际工程承包中的风险已经成为对外工程承包企业关注的焦点问题。

    However, risk and profit always coexist. There are fat profits in international project contracting market. So it has been the focus of international contractor how to avoid the risk.


  • 介绍国际承包工程BOT方式投标报价原则内容计算方法

    The law, content and calculation of tender price declaration about international contract project(in BOT) are presented.


  • 做好合同索赔不但提高承包国际工程施工管理能力而且能够建筑商带来可观的经济效益

    Not only can contract claim enhance the ability of contractors to manage international engineering, but also can bring considerable financial benefit.


  • 根据美国工程新闻纪录》周刊所做2008年度国际市场225家最大承包的排名情况,对一排名进行了分析对比

    Abstract: According to the ENR weekly of 2008, the sequence of top 225 international contractors is analyzed and compared in this paper.


  • 激烈公路工程国际承包竞争中,项目管理成功与否集中体现合同管理上。

    In the international highway project contracting markets, the success of project management is focused and embodied on the contract management.


  • 我国建筑企业承包国际工程聘请代理人其提供信息咨询服务成为一个必不可少的环节。

    Employing an agent to provide consultant service of information is a key program when Chinese building firms contract with an international plant engineering.


  • 国际承包工程代理商作用委托代理商的必要性,以及选择代理商的标准进行了论述

    This paper discusses on the functions of the agent of international contract engineering and the necessity of entrusting the agent, and introduces the standards of selecting the agent.


  • 国际承包工程代理商作用委托代理商的必要性,以及选择代理商的标准进行了论述

    This paper discusses on the functions of the agent of international contract engineering and the necessity of entrusting the agent, and introduces the standards of selecting the agent.


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