China's international status and influence have been on the rise.
As influence extends to more countries and capitals, we will build new and deeper partnerships in every region, and strengthen international standards and institutions.
China's international science influence is still weak, even though its investment in science has rapidly increased in recent years, a report has found.
Yet the feeling that Egypt has lost its rightful place as a country with influence, that it has fallen from grace, is widespread.
In addition, the size of the SNB's foreign assets will increase the influence of the central bank in global markets.
Available abstract books of leading international infection control conferences were also searched from 2004 to 2009.
富裕国家俱乐部——经合组织的副秘书长理查德·鲍彻(Richard Boucher)称透明国际已拥有“巨大的影响力”。
The group has had an "enormous impact", says Richard Boucher, a deputy secretary-general at the OECD, a rich-country club.
Thomas Crampton ( is the Hong Kong-based Asia-Pacific director of Digital Influence at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide.
MANY argue that IMF vote-shares (and the amounts countries are required to put into the fund's kitty) should reflect countries' relative economic heft.
Hirst is internationally recognized as the most influential artist in the UK. And he has made his name with controversial art works including dissected sharks and pickled sheep.
More important, as international investors wake up to the relative weakening of America's economic power, they will surely question why they hold the bulk of their wealth in dollars.
Many of these same people hold influential positions at other clearinghouses, or on committees at the powerful International Swaps and Derivatives Association, which helps govern the market.
Hirst is internationally recognized as the most influential artist in the UK.
More and more, experts and analysts in sectors with far more clout than public health are coming to terms with some failures in the international systems that govern the way this world works.
The big thing for me was I felt I could have a much bigger impact with Choice than with Marriott.
Two weeks ago the influential International Crisis Group issued a damning report against sanctions.
With the Goldman suit, the SEC enhanced its power and created leverage for its congressional allies just as new international banking rules are under consideration.
The US extended the language's reach with its economic and military might, its world-ranking universities and its leading position in technology and popular entertainment.
She suggested Iran is trying to weaken an emerging international consensus for sanctions by sounding conciliatory in contacts with selected influential states.
Secondly, if we have to talk about influence, in our logic, a country's influence in the world should be evaluated by the members of the international community, not the country itself.
Secondly, if we have to talk about influence, in our logic, a country's influence in the world should be evaluated by the members of the international community, not the country itself.