As its allies age and even shrink inpopulation, the United States could be forced to assume even more of the burdenof policing the world's trouble spots.
International disputes and hotspot issues should be settled by peaceful means. The international community should strongly oppose the willful use or threat of force.
China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and a member of the international community, will continue to make every effort for the peaceful resolution of hotspot issues.
With this development trend, law application of confirming the liability of foreign products is gradually becoming the hot problem in the studies of international private law.
We took an active part in the resolution of global hot-spot issues, and played Chinas role in international and regional affairs.
Since the late 20th Century, the characteristics of high-quality accounting standards have become a hot issue for the international accounting profession.
We took an active part in the resolution of global hot-spot issues, and played China's role in international and regional affairs.
As an important part of international finance, exchange rate is always the hot topic for discussion and research.
Fair value is one of the hot issues of international accounting.
Iran nuclear crisis has become the hot issue of the international community, and has naturally attracted the world's attention as well.
Now days, parallel import of trademark goods is one of the hot issues both in the fields of intellectual property rights and the international trade.
Nationalism is a major issue in the intentional relationship studies in the past few years.
The research of the relation between sports activity and mental health is the hot problem in the present international sports and exercise psychology research.
Motive image coding is an important part of multimedia techniques. Study on fast and high efficient algorithms has always been a hot question in international industry and academia.
In the statement, it is still a hot question in international accounting on how to make foreign currency transformarion.
The Anglo-American Relations is an important subject in international history and a hot topic in modern society.
The employment problems confronted with the postgraduates by the influence of the international financial crisis has been a hot issue among all social circles.
Facing the complex and volatile international environment, how to maintain stable and rapid growth in textile exports has become a hot issue.
Introduced the about problem of power market heat paper in international Conference on Large High Tension Electric Systems was mixed 2004 discuss.
The research of users' information need is always an attention hotspot in the international field of library and information science.
The international up to the minute research problem aiming at source encoding and decoding in video transmission is discussed systematically and in detail.
We are actively involved in finding solutions to global and hotspot issues and undertaking more international responsibilities commensurate with our own strength and capability.
Fair value accounting has emerged as a hotspot in the international accounting area.
Brand equity is a hot issue of the field of international marketing research, and it is also a priority research subject for the past many years that is subsidized by marketing Science Institute.
The question of passive localization of the underwater sources using matched-field processing is one of the hot topics in the field of underwater acoustical signal processing.
From the 20th century 60's, the currency integration starts to become a hot topic of the international finance, some countries and areas have also carried on the practice.
Information Retrieval Visualization is a hot problem of current international research, which has very highly academic value and using value.
The evaluation for simulation model validity is currently a hot subject in the international simulation field, and it mainly includes model validation and model verification.
This dissertation makes a research on a hot issue in the international finance, the appropriate quality of foreign exchange reserve, the suitability of China studied both at home and abroad.
North Korean nuclear crisis has become the focus of attention of international society.