The new diagram is created and opened in the diagram editor.
For example, you can invoke the JSP editor directly from the diagram editor.
You can use the diagram editor to show all or part of a Struts application.
Select all the entities in your normalized dimensional model, and drag them and drop them into the Diagram editor.
Note: as an aside, you can directly add the dimensional entities in the diagram by using the dimensional widget that is available on the right side of the diagram editor.
Our Flex-based application allows users to construct slides using a variety of visualization assistants, including bulleted lists, graphic editors, tag clouds, relation explorers, and tables.
You can use editors, property views, and visual modeling diagrams to create and edit JPA entity classes.
Rational Rhapsody 7.5.2 includes many improvements to the graphical editors to help automate drawing tasks and make it easier to manage the diagrams in several ways.
The Monitor development toolkit comes with an editor you can use to edit an SVG diagram for display inside a diagram widget.
The overall usability of the activity diagram editor is improved, and you can use activity diagrams to model more elements. These activity diagram features are improved.
When a chart element is placed in the Report Editor, the Chart Builder Wizard automatically displays.
将编辑器与Publisher <
Drag the editor and publisher <
The core feature of most Blueprint Editors is the Graph mode, with its central Graph TAB for laying out the network of your Blueprint.
在左下角,还将出现GetFlights .jsp编辑器视图,这个视图表明您设置断点的位置。
In the bottom left, the GetFlights.jsp editor view will also appear, showing where you set the breakpoint.
在左下角,还将出现GetFlights .jsp编辑器视图,这个视图表明您设置断点的位置。
In the bottom left, the GetFlights.jsp editor view will also appear, showing where you set the breakpoint.