• 认为可以一定的程度上

    I think so, to an extent.


  • 身份验证一定程度上保证了某个标识真实的。

    Authentication provides some level of assurance that an identity is genuine. Many degrees of authentication are possible.


  • 一定程度上这个泄漏文件包含粗浅的流言蜚语

    To a certain extent, the leaked documents contain the rawest form of gossip.


  • 通过定期诊断一定程度可以预测热风体系异常(故障)。

    By regular diagnosis to a certain extent, it can predict the anomaly of hot air curtain system (fault).


  • 分析性复核的有效性一定的程度上依赖有关数据是否是可管理的”。

    The effectiveness of analytical review will depend to some extent on whether the figures involved are "manageable".


  • 没有否定语言思维一定的程度会相互影响,也可能会出现很大的分歧。

    No one would disagree with the claim that language and thought interact in many significant ways.


  • 金融脆弱性金融的本性,金融的脆弱性一定程度导致金融危机的爆发。

    The financial vulnerability is the financial natural disposition, it can cause the financial crisis in certain degree.


  • 一定的程度上电子商务能使人们远程交流,每个人都造成交通拥堵污染交流减少获利。

    To the extent that electronic commerce enables people to telecommute, everyone benefits from the reduction in commute caused traffic and pollution.


  • 一定程度上也许我们说服了自己失利是没什么风险的,毕竟因为我们不利,所以责怪世界

    Perhaps we’ve convinced ourselves, on some level, that it’s safer to fail: after all, we can then blame the world for being against us.


  • 一定程度达到了信息搜索优化目的,与通用的搜索引擎相比信心检索效率了很大的提高

    This System has reached its goal. To a certain extent to achieve the purpose of search optimization, improved information retrieval efficiency compared to General search engines.


  • 一个国家一定程度上这样可行,因为每个都是依靠自己奋斗生活创造自己的财富房产

    This, perhaps, is necessarily the case to a certain extent in a country, where every man is taught to rely upon his own exertions for a livelihood, and is the artificer of his own fortune and estate.


  • 权力逐渐地机构迁移机构中的社区这些社区中创造价值,意味着一定程度放弃控制权,鼓励更多人参与

    Power is shifting from institutions to the communities within the institutions; creating value in these communities means relinquishing control to some degree in order to encourage input.


  • 结果表明,采用空气直接焙烧方法脱除模板一定的程度上破坏MCM-41分子筛结构完整性,骨架脱铝现象最明显

    The result showed that direct calcination of MCM-41 samples in the presence of air for template removal caused collapse of the molecular sieve structure and dealumination of the framework was obvious;


  • 一定的程度上成为具有特殊能力的人。但是许多文化中不同语言可能会影响到不同的思维方式并且渐渐的出现了许多哲学论文

    However, the idea that different languages may influence thinking in different ways has been present in many cultures and has given rise to many philosophical treatises.


  • 如果双胞胎彼此疾病方面异卵双胞胎相似那么这种疾病的易感性至少一定程度是由遗传造成的。

    If identical twins are more similar to each other with respect to an ailment than fraternal twins are, then vulnerability to the disease must be rooted at least in part in heredity.


  • 伊朗强烈经济民族主义周期性高涨一定程度上必须理解英国伊朗商业英国政府之间密切关系的反应

    Periodic surges of intense Iranian economic nationalism must be understood partly as a reaction to the close relations between British business in Iran and the British government.


  • 一定程度解释了为什么关于游泳最近变得如此受欢迎书中,人们反思自己生活的同时,应对结冰的湖泊河流中赛跑征服海洋

    It goes some way towards explaining why books about swimming, in which people tackle icy lakes, race in rivers and overcome oceans while reflecting on their lives, have recently become so popular.


  • 几乎认识每个人都一定程度沉迷于网络。”托尼·施瓦茨纽约时报写道

    "Nearly everyone I know is addicted in some measure to the Internet," wrote Tony Schwartz in The New York Times.


  • 因此最好尝试建立一些典型例子然后它们“典型”硬件运行,希望这样一定程度上揭示现实中的程序现实中平台性能

    So the best you can do is try and build "typical" examples and run them on "typical" hardware, and hope that it yields some insight into the performance of our real programs on our real hardware.


  • 生命周期中的任意一点次要工件精确性这种理解平衡详细程度保持一致,相互之间保持一定程度追踪性。

    At any point in the life cycle, the precision of the subordinate artifacts should be in balance with this understanding, at compatible levels of detail and reasonably traceable to each other.


  • 桑德斯那么认为从某种意义说,精神的意义说,一定程度上伟大的恋人

    Saunders: so would you say in a way, in the spiritual sense, you were great lovers at some level?


  • 最近研究发现我们杂货店现金而不是信用卡的时候,我们的坏习惯在一定程度上被抑制。

    Recent research finds that our vices can be held back when we use cash instead of credit CARDS at the grocery store.


  • 一定程度磁场这些粒子结构发生改变,有照射它们产生串扰颜色

    The structure of these particles changes in a magnetic field in a way that producesinterferencecolours when light is shone on them.


  • 一定程度医生患者都是陷于癌症困境中的难兄难弟

    In part, doctors and patients are stuck in a sort of cancer time warp.


  • 研究员更多关注那些声学具有平均差的替代声音听众一定程度上声音意义有反应

    Since the researchers were careful to only substitute sounds that were equivalently different acoustically, then the listeners must have at some level responded to the meaning of the sound.


  • 批评人士指出20世纪全球地表温度记录一定程度上可能城镇带来的热量以及其他因素侵蚀过。

    Some critics argue that the global record of land surface temperature over the 20th century could be to some extent corrupted by heat from towns and other factors.


  • 预算缩减措施实施时机问题分歧一定程度上反映了大西洋两岸经济体不同命运

    The differences over the timing of budget cuts reflects in part the different fortunes of the economies on either side of the Atlantic.


  • 预算缩减措施实施时机问题分歧一定程度上反映了大西洋两岸经济体不同命运

    The differences over the timing of budget cuts reflects in part the different fortunes of the economies on either side of the Atlantic.


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