The findings confirm the CDC's warnings that instant tests performed on the spot in doctor's offices and clinics are not highly worthwhile for diagnosing H1N1 infections.
To find out how useful the practice may or may not be, Hwang and colleagues surveyed people who were waiting in clinics to see their doctors.
One major need is to improve the relevance of the ICD in primary care Settings (clinics, doctors' offices and frontline health services), as that is where most people are treated.
Still, the doctors never forgave Dr. Young, or me, for not consulting them more and not going more slowly on the rural health clinics.
这名医生还作证说,他的诊所,是美国仅有的三家实施晚期堕胎手术的诊所之一。 晚期堕胎是指对于已经能够在母体外存活的胎儿实施的流产。
The doctor also testified that he owns one of only three clinics in the US that perform late-term abortions, which are performed on foetuses that could survive outside the mother's womb.
But doctors at feeding clinics in affected areas say that children are already dying of illnesses linked to malnutrition, such as diarrhoea, heart failure, pneumonia and other infections.
In that respect, the United States is like Africa: scarce public clinics focus on women and children, and many poor women see a doctor only when pregnant.
But in recent months at a clinic in liege, Belgium, the patient, now 29, showed traces of brain activity in response to commands from doctors.
We have all encountered demanding, noncompliant, drug-seeking, angry, or needy patients in our clinical practice. These patients are sometimes referred to as a psychiatrist's worst nightmare.
The city on Wednesday asked private doctors to help provide diagnoses for potential flu victims at their clinics.
Unfortunately, putting doctors on salary requires that they work for someone, and most American physicians are self-employed or work in small group practices.
U.S. health officials are increasing surveillance measures at doctors' offices and international borders to guard against the spread of swine flu.
Chinese and Indian doctors in urban areas may follow the rules but clinics elsewhere operate with few controls.
The clinic was first established by Father Michael Kim Joong-ho from Seoul archdiocese in 2004 when the Korean doctor priest began offering medical services to poor people in Ulaan Baatar.
One year later, Doctors Without Borders maintains clinics throughout the country;
At one MDR-TB clinic in Manila, I watched Antia Silverio, a 48-year-old who had just finished her MDR-TB treatment five months before, run errands for doctors, nurses and patients.
Has ruled that Michael Jackson's death was homicide, while police have found evidence pointing to manslaughter during a search of a clinic used by his doctor.
Authorities searched Dr Murray's las Vegas home and medical office on Tuesday as part of an investigation that included raids last week of his clinic and storage in Houston.
When teachers and doctors do not show up at government primary schools and health centers, Indians just open up cheap private schools and clinics in the slums and get on with it.
Dr Maidment said it was most common among those working for Banks, fund managers and financial service companies, or whose jobs involve frequent travelling.
很多人希望医疗机构能过更早的分享这个消息,而且不仅仅是在非洲。其中的一位就是Julius Ondiek,他是我们在Magunga医疗诊所找到的一名医生。
There are many people, not just in Africa, who might wish the medical establishment had Shared this information with them earlier.
The psychiatrist wasSally Satel, M.D., author of numerous magazine articles andbooks and a staff psychiatrist at the Oasis Clinic, a Washington, D.C., alcoholism and drug-addiction treatment center.
Before the sudden influx, doctors at the clinic say they were delivering about 40 babies a week. Now it is twice that.
DXY: in China, the doctors are overwhelmed with patients and they don't have much time for research actually, so how do doctors from Mayo balance the time?
The 22-hour face surgery was completed two weeks ago by a team of eight surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic.
For basic acute ailments, an uninsured person will spend about $60 (without tests) at a retail clinic, compared with $60 to $110 at a doctor's office or hundreds more in an ER.
THE day when doctors treated patients at home disappeared decades ago in most of America as house calls gave way to more cost-effective office visits.
THE day when doctors treated patients at home disappeared decades ago in most of America as house calls gave way to more cost-effective office visits.