• 大点声讲—我们后面不见

    Please speak up—we can't hear you at the back.


  • 我们儿童保育竞赛中正在后面

    We are lagging behind in the childcare stakes.


  • 总是条带子头发后面

    She always ties her hair back in a band.


  • 骑车沿路而去,狗跟在后面奔跑着

    She rode off down the road with the dog running behind.


  • 英国开拓市场方面后面

    Britain is being left behind in the race for new markets.


  • 头发后面,扎成一个马尾辫

    Her hair was scraped back from her face in a ponytail.


  • 第二警车紧紧在后面

    A second police car followed close behind.


  • 做饭头发后面

    I tie back my hair when I'm cooking.


  • 其余的人远远地在后面

    The others are a long way behind.


  • 裙子后面系扣。

    The skirt does up at the back.


  • 我们每走什么地方慢慢腾腾吃力地跟后面

    She always drags behind when we walk anywhere.


  • 骑兵在后面每一块肌肉都突如其来炮火而绷得紧紧的

    The troopers followed behind, every muscle tensed for the sudden gunfire.


  • 那个跛足的孩子远远在后面

    The lame child lagged far behind.


  • 人们常常认为后面学生懒。

    People often think that students who sit at the back are lazy.


  • 橡皮筋头发后面

    She tied her hair back with a rubber band.


  • 宠物经常在后面

    My pet often chases behind me.


  • 他们设法里克后面他们

    They manage to run off, and Dan and Rick chase after them.


  • 前面还是在后面

    Was it in front or behind?


  • 如果愿意手背后面打败

    I could lick you with one hand tied behind me, if I wanted to.


  • 不久她们逃走了,村子远远在后面

    They had escaped and had left the village far behind them.


  • 骑马疾驰而去,丢下后面辛辛苦苦地赶着。

    She set off at a gallop, leaving me to toil in the rear.


  • 没有人后面

    Nobody sat behind.


  • 冲出商店商店侦探后面

    She ran out of the shop, hotly pursued by the store detective.


  • 牧羊人在后面,举着火把把照亮

    The shepherd followed, carrying a torch to light his way.


  • 拿着本书后面追赶

    He ran after her with the book.


  • 选择抽烟的人后面

    Those electing to smoke will be seated at the rear.


  • 逃离运动场警察后面紧追不舍。

    He fled from the stadium with the police at his heels.


  • 他们示意在后面

    They gestured that I should follow.


  • 名记者保持段适当的距离后面

    The two journalists followed at a discreet distance.


  • 后面一章一点作了详细讨论

    This is discussed in more detail in a later chapter.


- 来自原声例句

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