On a sunny day in southern Texas, Ms. Lee's students gathered in the school playground.
During breaks, I like to hang out with my friends in the school yard.
In the school yard, a mother goose and her baby are separated by a boisterous class of first graders.
A group of children huddled together on the school playground. A teacher, noticing they were crying, went to see what was happening.
After lunch, we usually played on the school field. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just relaxed under a tree or sat on the grass.
It is only after a tense meeting between the PTA and the school management and under threat of media intervention that they agreed to ban cars from the playground during school times.
They hotly deny that children learn better social skills on a school playground than at home.
Many valuable lessons about life are learned on the school playground.
Tia said the contrast between the carefree fun of the school playground and then the fear of death for her and the baby was something she would never forget.
We would not wish to see another case like the young boy who lost his central vision back in October 2005 through looking directly at a partial eclipse in his school playground.
事实上,在学校,他对任何让他感到不舒服的事情都避之不及- - -在校车上和同学们的交流;在操场上玩耍时的你推我撞。
In fact, he was avoiding things in school that made him uncomfortable - interactions on the bus, jostling on the playground.
As well as school playgrounds, words like "lolz" and "lolling" can be heard in pubs and offices - though often sarcastically, or in parody.
Delighted to have an audience, they show off black-and-white pictures taken in the 1950s, with children swirling around the school playground on ice skates.
They 24 hotly deny that children learn better social skills on a school playground than at home.
The workplace now is vastly different than it was when I was a lad in shortpants three decades ago running around in the schoolyard, wiping snot from my nose and learning about the Cold War.
Sometimes the teasing in the school playground is the best training ground for life.
Sometimes the teasing in the school playground is the best training ground for life.