There must be a way to make a request of that object so it will do something, such as complete a transaction, draw something on screen or turn on a switch.
It would allow notations made with a stylus on a page printed with a special magnetic ink to simultaneously appear on a computer screen.
In the first example, you connected to the database, issued a query, and printed the results to the screen.
Because the error is caught immediately, the user does not have to regain his bearings and find the information that needs to be corrected on both the application screen and the printed form.
Each time the report is rendered on screen, 96 dpi images are used while when the report in printed or exported the high resolution images are used.
我们设计HTML页面都是为了使它们在屏幕上看起来很好,但打印这些Web 页面却往往是事后才想到的事。
We all design our HTML pages to look good on the screen, but printing those Web pages is usually an afterthought.
实现的方法是:用fop生成可在屏幕上阅读或打印的PD f文档,同时保持在XML文档中指定的格式。
I achieved that by using Fop to generate PDF documents that could be read on screen or printed, while keeping the format specified in an XML document.
After editing the work on screen or in print, I like to read the text aloud.
By connecting the sensor to a computer, a person wearing the device can use sniffs to select letters on a screen to build up words and sentences.
In fact it is similar to clicking on the print button on a computer screen and sending a digital file, say a letter, to an inkjet printer.
Viewing data onscreen is one thing, saving it to disk (and printing it) is another matter entirely.
电子函件传送消息已经代替了电话。 用户可以在方便的时候再去对它作出反应,而不会被打扰,并可以在屏幕上显示消息或把它打印出来。
E-mail has replaced the telephone for many messages.Users can respond when it is convenient,without being interrupted, and can get their message either on-screen or in the printed form.
The parameter is set by our custom code to False when the report is viewed on screen and True when it is printed or exported.
This way we show the low resolution background image of this page during screen viewing and hide it during printing (based on the value of ForPrint parameter).
Your design will look different on screen, different when you print from your inkjet printer, different if you receive a digital proof and different when litho printing.
Look at the following example, which tries to open a file and print its contents to the screen.
In the photo I've just printed each puzzle piece to the screen.
When the screen font resembles a printed font a document may look approximately the same on the screen as it will when printed.
Using the program chromatogram can be drawn in CRT screen and the screen displays retention time in every top peak.
So a simple button that says "print" then when the user taps on it, it prints everything on the screen.
Why print the first draft of that homework essay when you can edit it onscreen?
实验数据可以在计算机屏幕上显示、分 析比较、和打印。
The experimental data can be displayed on the computer screen for analyzing, comparing, and printing.
The only way to know what's on the screen is to start from a clean state and account for every single character and terminal command printed. Vim does just that;
Previewing (print previewing) means viewing a document on screen to see what it will look in printed form.
Users can respond when it is convenient, without being interrupted, and can get their message either on-screen or in the printed form.
It's hard to see on-screen and in print, and it's easy to confuse for a dead pixel on your monitor or a stray piece of toner on the page.
It's hard to see on-screen and in print, and it's easy to confuse for a dead pixel on your monitor or a stray piece of toner on the page.