• 而且很大程度上一个节目

    It was and, to a large extent, still is a good show.


  • 这个成功很大程度上努力的结果

    The team's success was largely due to her efforts.


  • 老年生活的幸福很大程度上取决于种族性别婚姻状况

    How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex, and marital status.


  • 法律界很大程度上仍然男人世界,这一点从法官人数屈指可数即可得到证实。

    The legal profession is still a largely male world, as evidenced by the small number of women judges.


  • 语言流利在很大程度上依赖不断练习

    The fluency of a language largely depends on constant practice.


  • 欧洲经济气候很大程度上助长了独立趋势

    Europe's new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence.


  • 筹集资金能力在很大程度经验必要性产物

    The fund-raising ability is largely a product of experience and necessity.


  • 描述一下现代生活如何使时间生物学在很大程度上变得无关紧要的。

    Please describe how modern life has made chronobiology largely irrelevant.


  • 兄弟乔治·德拉图尔选择了这些主题,但他们在很大程度上被忽视了

    The Le Nain brothers and Georges de La Tour, who also chose such themes, were largely ignored.


  • 烤过佐料在很大程度上盖过了所有别的味道尽管过之后会比之前更一点

    The roasted seasoning largely overpowered any other flavour, although there was slightly bitter after taste.


  • 在很大程度上他们得出相同结论:千禧一代为所欲为过度自信且不切实际。

    Largely, they come to the same conclusion: Millennials are entitled, over-confident, and expect too much too quickly.


  • 正如所知道任何物种进化很大程度上受到其他物种相互作用的影响。

    As you know the evolution of any species is largely influenced by its interactions with other species.


  • 如今一举措在很大程度上免费WiFi访问取代因为人们购买越来越多的笔记本电脑

    Today, this initiative has been superceded largely by free WiFi access because people buy more and more laptops.


  • 在很大程度上依赖家庭

    He leans heavily on his family.


  • 我们很大程度本土文化产物

    We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.


  • 他们成功很大程度上应归功于他们的决心

    Their success is due in large part to their determination.


  • 这个决定意味着很大程度脱离了原先的政策

    This decision represents a significant departure from previous policy.


  • 这位小说家很大程度是以亲身经历为素材。

    The novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences.


  • 我们在很大程度依赖电脑安排我们工作

    These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.


  • 这次节日庆祝活动成功与否很大程度看赞助

    The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success.


  • 我们什么时候休假很大程度上取决于格雷格工作计划

    When we take our vacations is very much dictated by Greg's work schedule.


  • 卫理公会派教堂很大程度认为美国立场风向标

    The Methodist church is viewed as a bellwether of U.S. attitudes in large part.


  • 西奥多•罗斯福在很大程度上是一外交关系现实主义者

    Theodore Roosevelt was preeminently a realist in foreign relations.


  • 很大程度上他们一样的。

    In a large degree, they're the same.


  • 很大程度美貌一种福气

    For the most part good looks is a blessing


  • 们得出结论:智力在很大程度上和基因有关,而不是和训练或教育有关。

    They concluded that intelligence was mostly connected to genes rather than to training or education.


  • 在很大程度上接管了玉米和小麦等作物的种植、浇灌和收割工作,但对牛的监测变化较少。

    Machines have largely taken over planting, watering and harvesting crops such as corn and wheat, but the monitoring of cattle has gone through fewer changes.


  • 品设计在很大程度上受到了这一观点的影响,这可以厨房电器中看出,如烤箱和水壶。

    Product design was heavily influenced by this view and can be seen in kitchen appliances such as ovens and kettles.


  • 这个行业很大程度市场支配

    The profession is very much at the mercy of the market place.


  • 很大程度上消费者控制产品命运

    For the most part, consumers control what happens to a product.


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