• 便携收集器要求希望从中收集数据系统安装JRE

    The portable collector requires a JRE to be installed on the system from which you want to collect data.


  • 无需任何许可费用(当然除非选择基础设施使用的软件库要求拥有一个许可)、无需带宽存储空间支付前期成本

    It requires no licensing fees (unless, of course, some software library you choose to leverage on the infrastructure requires a license) and no upfront costs for bandwidth or space.


  • 集群环境中往往可用性性能很高要求

    In a clustered environment, you tend to have a high requirement against availability and performance.


  • 但是如果工作一个安全性要求很高环境中,那么需要考虑本文所讨论各种可能性

    But if you're working in a high security environment you need to take into account all of the possibilities discussed in this article.


  • 派驻期间,引进一个或者更多特殊客户或者合伙人那运行您的软件要求他们利用一周时间开发过程测试这个新的发布

    In residencies, you bring in one or more people who work with your software from a particular client or partner, and have them spend perhaps a week testing the new release under development.


  • 本杰明主要助手要求什么

    Benjamin: What do you look for in your key lieutenants?


  • 浮点许可密钥希望运行多于五位虚拟用户测试时要求

    The floating license key is required if you want to run more than five virtual user tests.


  • 数据库层面网站管理员要求接受了‘标签’方面的培训确保项目相关搜索条件下会‘自动弹出’。

    The website administrator is also trained in the ‘taggingrequired, at the data base level, to ensure your itemspop up’ under relevant search conditions.


  • 最后一个功能非常不错,可用于朋友要求使用服务器帐户的情况下使用计算机访问您的网络

    This last feature is great if friends visit with their computers and want access to your network without requiring an account on the server.


  • 制定第一策略可能隐私策略,不仅因为用户要求而且很多情况下也是一种法律需求

    The first policy to shape is probably your privacy policy, not just because users demand it, but in many cases it's a legal requirement.


  • 最终出现条消息要求使用VNC重新连接,前面第5做的一样。

    Eventually, it will come up with a message asking you to reconnect using VNC, just like you did before in step 5.


  • 某些情况下这些自动选择小部件并不适合要求

    In some cases, these automatically selected widgets do not fit your requirements.


  • 这里隐含一个难以察觉非常重要要求设计必须知道目的地队列还是主题

    A more subtle but important implication is that you had to know whether the destination was a queue or a topic at design time.


  • 20篇文章之后,我们要求成为可以完全访问我们网站电子版订阅用户。

    After 20 articles, we will ask you to become a digital subscriber, with full access to our site.


  • 系统提示输入项目名称然后要求功能列表选择包括项目中的功能。

    You are prompted for a project name, and then you are asked to select from a list of feature sets to include in your project.


  • 事实上大多数情况下,EC2供应中困难部分寻找符合的要求特定虚拟

    In fact, for the most part, the hardest aspect of EC2 provisioning is finding a particular virtual machine that suits your tastes.


  • 然而数据挖掘不仅局限简单回归不同的数据集不同的输出要求的情况下,发现其他模型也许更好的解决方案

    However, data mining is much more than simply regression, and you'll find some other models are better solutions with different data sets and different output goals.


  • 如果文字编写人员忽视页面标题中包含关键词的要求,那么爬行器检查站点每个页面,报告没有适当页面标题的页面。

    If the copywriters blithely overlook the need for keyword-rich titles, have your spider examine every page on your site and report which ones have missing titles.


  • 已经能够服务模块内组装sca组件同时使用所需的业务逻辑满足集成要求

    Until now you've been able to assemble SCA components in a service module using the necessary business logic to meet the integration requirements.


  • 要求作为全职员工咨询师过度膨胀的数据中心进行检查,合理延迟时间内解决问题创建增长计划

    You've been brought in, either as a full-time employee or as a consultant, to rein in the overgrown data center, solve problems with application delays, and create a plan for growth.


  • 认真仔细地把部署要求写下来的时候,更新问题要给予特别关注

    When you're conscientiously committing your deployment requirements to writing, pay particular attention to updating issues.


  • 1(张表我们以前的文章中出现过应该认识它)中,我们已经业务要求映射到了具体电子商务模式

    In Table 1, which you should recognize from our previous articles, we've mapped business requirements to specific patterns for e-business.


  • 此外进一步约束可能导致LOAD操作之后该表不可用,要求首先运行SETINTEGRITYsql语句

    Additionally, further constraints could also result in the table not being available right after the LOAD operation, requiring you to run the SET INTEGRITY SQL statement first.


  • 我们遗憾不能要求一月装运因为贵方巴士拉直接每月20号左右抵达港。

    We regret our inability to comply with your request for shipping the goods in early Jan., because the direct steamer sailing for Basrah calls on our port only around the 20th every month.


  • 鉴于给出信息似乎公司并不要求员工工作场合英语

    From the information you've given us, it would appear that your organization has no rules requiring that employees speak only English in the workplace.


  • 建议根据食品标准局要求孩子之前应该全脂牛奶

    My advice, and it's backed by the Food Standards Agency, is that your toddler should have full-fat milk up until two years of age.


  • 例中不会要求客户提供希望收集联系信息

    In this case, the customer isn't required to give you any of the contact information you'd like to collect.


  • 如果插件非常有用并且多方测试通常要求确保插件能够不同语言运行

    Once you get to a point where your plug-in is useful and will be tested by multiple parties, you often get a request to make sure your plug-in is capable of running in a different language.


  • 本文中,已经了解JAX - RPCWeb服务对于服务要求

    In this article, you have learned the requirements for the service class in JAX-RPC Web services.


  • 本文中,已经了解JAX - RPCWeb服务对于服务要求

    In this article, you have learned the requirements for the service class in JAX-RPC Web services.


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